Village Commissions Section :: Page 2
Planning Commission— New design for senior apartments
Home, Inc.’s proposed senior apartment building is getting a new design. If funded, the 54-unit building slated for a property between East Herman and Marshall streets will now be three — rather than four — stories tall, and cover a larger portion of the 1.86-acre parcel.
MillWorks owners look to address concerns
The new owners of MillWorks business park, who are requesting a zoning change on the property to allow for more uses, were at the Emporium on Sunday, Feb. 17, to field questions and address citizen concerns about the project.
MillWorks seeks zoning change
An industrial park in the village is requesting a zoning change to allow for a mix of uses, according to its new owners this week.
HRC focus on women’s safety
If a woman’s instinct says she’s unsafe in a situation, she should trust that feeling, according to two public safety experts at last Thursday’s Human Relations Commission, or HRC, meeting.
Village Planning Commission agenda
(Village Council meets 7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 21) -
Village zoning code update to begin soon
In recent years, a vision of how Yellow Springs should stay vital has emerged, expressed both in the recently revised Village Comprehensive Plan and last year’s visioning effort.
Planners push zoning change
Village Planning Commission voted 5–0 at its meeting Monday, Dec. 13, to recommend that the Village follow Ohio law and immediately adopt a different set of criteria to evaluate zoning variance requests.
Commissions make a difference
Village commissions, staffed by appointed citizens and elected officials, are fundamental to the functioning of Village government. While the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Community Access Panel, and Economic Sustainability Commission are not currently seeking volunteers, they offer opportunity for direct citizen involvement in governmental affairs.
Village commissions serve community
Dedicated local volunteers who serve on Village commissions do much of the work to preserve and enhance the community. With vacancies on three key commissions, others have the opportunity to step up.
Youth empowerment HRC goal
In the past year, the Village Human Relations Commission has worked to empower youth leadership, address citizen complaints regarding difficulties with police, introduce new events to strengthen neighborhoods and support those suffering from economic hardships, according to HRC member Joan Chappelle at the April 19 meeting of Village Council.
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