Village Commissions Section
Village Planning Commission recommends repealing Gateway Overlay District
At the most recent Planning Commission meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 10, the group revisited — and ultimately recommended to repeal — an anomalous and oft-under-referenced section of the Yellow Springs zoning code: the Gateway Overlay District.
Planning Commission approves next steps in ongoing development projects
At the group’s Tuesday, Sept. 10 meeting, Planning Commission members approved: a phase two final plat application from DDC Management, a conditional use application from Ruetschle Architects on behalf of the Village School District and a zoning map amendment to rezone 3.612 acres of school district-owned land.
Planning Commission broaches changes to Airbnb rules
At the group’s most recent meeting on Thursday, Dec. 14, the Village Planning Commission considered the possibility of loosening regulations on the 42 registered — and future — Airbnbs in Yellow Springs.
Planning Commission | Lumber Co. Market & Eatery project advances
The future business sited for that land, dubbed the Lumber Co. Market & Eatery, owned by Massies Creek Ventures, LLC, aims to have approximately 10 vendors selling prepared foods and goods in a newly renovated facility where a 1940s-era lumber yard once stood.
Planning Commission | Zoning amendments, senior housing move forward
The plan for the proposed senior housing development includes 22 affordable duplex and triplex rental units earmarked for seniors and 10 two-story townhomes to be sold at low cost to qualifying buyers of varying age demographics.
2022 In Review | Planning Commission
In 2022, Yellow Springs Planning Commission reviewed a new major subdivision, approved a plan to rezone land to accommodate a new agricultural business, approved the demolition and rebuilding of the structure that previously housed Earth Rose and more.
Planning Commission reviews ‘Spring Meadows’
Miamisburg-based development company DDC Management LLC presented a preliminary plat application for a 92-lot subdivision to the Yellow Springs Planning Commission during the commission’s most recent meeting Tuesday, April 12, conducted online via Zoom.
Two Planning Commission members resign
Sarah Sinclair-Amend, who served as a voting member, resigned Jan. 13; and Matthew Kirk, who served as an alternate, resigned Jan. 6.
2021 in Review | Planning Commission
In 2021, the Village of Yellow Springs Planning Commission approved a site plan for Cresco Labs, the development of Dave Chappelle’s proposed comedy club, the construction of a new eatery/market, among other projects.
Yellow Springs Planning Commission approves Chappelle comedy club
Construction will soon be underway for local comedian Dave Chappelle’s planned comedy club and restaurant at 225 Corry St.
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