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Village Council Section :: Page 4

  • Village Council considers electrical grid improvements

    Village utility and Hi-Tech Electrical Contractors crews worked throughout the night Wednesday, July 18, to replace a centrally — and awkwardly — located utility pole in Kieth's Alley. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    “The Village is currently in ‘good shape’ in how it distributes power to its residents and businesses, but if Yellow Springs is to continue growing, the grid will need to be improved.”

  • Village Council reexamines priorities under new administration

    At their Tuesday, Sept. 5, regular meeting, Village Council reviewed a list of ongoing projects and discussed which of those projects should be paused temporarily or stopped altogether — as well as which may continue and which can be initiated.

  • Village Council considers more local housing options

    Several potential housing projects were brought to the table at the most recent Village Council meeting Monday, Aug. 21.

  • Johnnie Burns named interim village manager

    By a unanimous vote at a special Village Council meeting Monday morning, Aug. 7, Yellow Springs Public Works Director Johnnie Burns was appointed interim village manager, effective Monday, Aug. 28.

  • Village Council responds to recent bike fatality

    On Monday, July 17, Village Council once again turned its attention to traffic concerns in Yellow Springs — this time with added fervor and urgency stemming from a fatal incident that occurred earlier this month.

  • Village Council votes to raise rents at Lawson Place apartments

    Residents at Lawson Place, the 16-unit apartment building owned by the Village, will soon see a 3% rent increase as the result of a unanimous vote at the Monday, July 3, Village Council meeting.

  • Village Council checks in on water projects

    At the Tuesday, June 20, Village Council meeting, Council members discussed delays in two water projects the Village was hoping to complete by November 2023.

  • Village Council talks housing

    Members of Village Council continued their conversation about housing development on Village-owned property parcels at their most recent meeting Monday, June 5.

  • Village Council talks numbers

    On Monday, May 15, Council members heard reports from Finance Director Amy Kemper and Treasurer Judy Kintner. The main takeaway was this: money is coming in, and expenses have come in under budget, but the year has just begun.

  • Village of Yellow Springs adopts pesticide policy

    The policy was created to provide guidance for the Public Works Department after years of deliberation on the appropriate use of chemicals on Village properties.

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