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Village Council Section :: Page 54

  • ACP to lead visioning effort

    At its May 4 meeting, Village Council unanimously approved entering into a contract with ACP Visioning & Planning of Columbus to lead the village in a visioning effort. That meeting followed a special Council meeting on April 27 during which Council agreed to move forward with hiring the firm.

  • Development strategies eyed

    At its May 4 meeting, Village Council and citizens continued a previous discussion on how best to implement economic development strategies for the Village. Council discussed various strategies, including hiring an economic development staff person, establishing a citizens task force, hiring a consultant or some combination of the above.

  • Energy group tasked to reduce carbon footprint

    At their April 20 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved a resolution that establishes an energy task force for Yellow Springs. The task force, or ETF, will be charged with working with Village staff to develop a strategic plan toward Council’s 2009 goal to “develop a comprehensive policy that addresses global warming and seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of our community.”

  • Local economic development efforts—Focus is arts, tourism, commerce park

    On Monday, May 4, Village Council will continue a conversation it began in early April on how best to move forward with economic development. One of Council’s six 2009 Village goals is to “establish a plan that improves the economic condition of the community.”

  • Banner elicits public art talk

    At their April 20 meeting, members of Village Council began a discussion on developing a Village policy on public art. Council members Lori Askeland, Kathryn Van der Heiden, Karen Wintrow and John Booth were present. Absent was Council President Judith Hempfling.

  • Council begins talk on economic development

    Should the Village of Yellow Springs move ahead quickly to hire an economic development staff person, or should Council members take the time to clarify, with the community, what sort of development they want before hiring someone?

  • Council passes ‘09 budget

    At their April 6 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved the second, or final, reading of the 2009 Village budget. Council had approved the budget’s first reading on March 16.

  • Council hears from visioning firms

    On Monday, March 30, Village Council met in a special meeting with ACP, a Columbus firm that is one of two finalists for the job of leading Yellow Springs in a visioning and planning process. About 25 villagers attended the meeting, along with members of the Visioning Task Force, to hear ACP’s presentation and to ask questions.

  • ‘09 budget includes funds for greenbelt, conservation

    On Monday, March 16, Village Council unanimously approved the first reading of the 2009 Village budget. The budget includes a substantial allocation to the greenbelt fund, along with money to upgrade Village facilities for energy conservation and to fund a Village-wide visioning/planning process.

  • Green space, conservation added to Village budget

    At their third and last budget workshop last Saturday, Feb. 28, Village Council members approved motions requesting that Village staff include in the 2009 budget $100,000 for green space and $50,000 to upgrade Village-owned facilities for energy conservation.

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