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Village Council Section :: Page 52

  • Village to lease Stutzman property

    In an interview this week, Cundiff said that, while Stutzman remained current with rent payments, he had not responded to a request from Council many months ago for a plan regarding how he planned to keep current with rent over the winter months. Stutzman’s lease is being terminated due to his not responding to Council’s request for a plan, Cundiff said.

  • Jobs, land use are forum topics

    The need for collaboration between the Village and various entities, including Miami Township and Antioch College, emerged as a theme during last Sunday’s candidate forum held at the First Presbyterian Church. And while Village Council candidates agreed on the need for job growth, they differed as to how to best pursue that goal.

  • Village faces easement suit

    After an executive session following its Oct. 5 meeting, Village Council passed a resolution of intent to appropriate an easement from a Township resident who is suing the Village over a disputed easement on his property adjacent to Village limits.

  • Multiple options considered for economic advisory body— Community Resources role discussed

    Looking for economic development leadership in Yellow Springs, Village Council is considering multiple options, including using Community Resources as the village’s official community improvement corporation (CIC) if that group chooses to do so, establishing a more broad-based economic sustainability committee, or some combination of the two. As part of this discussion, questions have been raised about the appropriateness of Community Resources as the sole advisory body, given some villagers’ concerns about that group’s past projects. At the heart of these questions is a conversation about what sort of economic development is best for the village.

  • Bench talk gets new legs

    A recent mediated dialogue between local young people and downtown business owners has increased understanding between the two groups and will likely result in a new public bench downtown, Village Council members were told at their Oct. 5 meeting. “The message to the youth is that they’re important to the community and that we want […]

  • Levy renewal talk begins

    At a Sept. 28 special meeting on a possible renewal of the Village property tax levy, several Council members stated their preference for a future levy at a reduced amount.

    “Given that we care about affordability and this levy has been a burden on people, I feel we should think about a significant reduction,” Council President Judith Hempfling said.

  • Council considers new group with economic advisory role

    At their Sept. 8 meeting, members of Village Council continued an earlier discussion regarding how the Village should best approach economic development. At issue was a motion by Council President Judith Hempfling that Council establish an economic sustainability committee. Council did not take action at the meeting due to concerns from Council members Kathryn Van der Heiden and Karen Wintrow that Council’s new economic sustainability staff person, who has not yet been hired, should be on the job before an advisory group is established.

  • New faces in fall election

    The Nov. 3 elections for Village Council and school board livened up at the last minute last week, when several new hopefuls entered the races shortly before the deadline.

  • Council could do more to promote YS affordability

    If Village Council took a leadership role, it could make Yellow Springs more friendly to affordable housing. That was the message delivered by Home, Inc. executive director Marianne MacQueen at Village Council’s Aug. 3 meeting. Council did not take action, nor discuss MacQueen’s suggestions, although Council President Judith Hempfling stated that the issue will be […]

  • Role of Community Resources eyed

    At its Aug. 3 meeting Village Council began a discussion with leaders of Community Resources regarding whether that organization should be the Village’s designated community improvement corporation, or CIC.

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