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Village Council Section :: Page 51

  • Dog park slated for Ellis Park

    With a crowd of about 70 people gathered on Monday, March 15, to hear about the fate of the village’s first bark park, Village Council members approved 4–1 a resolution to support a dog park at Ellis Park. Council requested that the group pursuing the dog park should consult the Tree Committee, whose members have spent over 20 years cultivating a scenic park at the Ellis Park location.

  • Council notes general fund surplus decline

    Are there ways for the Village to increase revenues and/or decrease costs? Village Council members considered this subject at a special general fund budget workshop on Saturday, March 6. Contributing to the urgency of the discussion was the projected 2010 drop in the fund’s year-end surplus, which was caused by an increase in contracted services and a large unexpected repair project, according to Village Finance Director Sharon Potter.

  • Green space funds go to Jacoby farm preservation

    At their March 1 meeting, members of Yellow Springs Village Council unanimously approved contributing to the preservation of two farm properties, one of which includes the headwaters of the Jacoby Creek and is the first farm preserved within the Jacoby greenbelt.

  • Council moves towards funding Jacoby easement

    At its Feb. 16 meeting, Village Council took a first step toward using Village greenbelt funds to conserve two pieces of farmland considered critical by Tecumseh Land Trust, or TLT. One of the properties is the first piece of the Jacoby greenbelt to be officially preserved as farmland.

  • 2010 projects may include zoning update

    A zoning code update. Safety improvements and upgrades for the skate park. Energy improvements for Village buildings.

  • Land trust seeks greenbelt funds for Fogg land

    At their Feb. 1 meeting, Village Council members were asked to use a large portion of the Village greenbelt fund to preserve a strategic piece of local farmland.

  • Rate hike gets initial approval

    At its Jan. 19 meeting, Village Council gave initial approval to a water rate increase that will take place over five years, beginning in April 2010, by unanimously passing the first reading of a new ordinance. Council will vote on the final reading for the rate hike at its Feb. 1 meeting.

  • Village Council — New economic sustainability group considered

    At their Jan. 4 meeting, Village Council members continued an extended discussion on how the Village should best address economic development by considering a proposal for an economic sustainability commission from Council President Judith Hempfling, and discussed concerns about a new ordinance establishing procedures to notify citizens about public meetings.

  • Village Council— New meeting rules approved

    At their Dec. 21 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously gave preliminary approval to a new ordinance on procedures for calling public meetings.

    “I feel strongly that we want to be as transparent as possible,” said Council President Judith Hempfling. “With this in place, I’m comfortable that we’ve done everything that we can do.”

  • Council considers rate hike

    At the Dec. 7 Village Council meeting, Village Manager Mark Cundiff recommended that the Village increase water rates next year in order to address water department capital needs. The last water rate increase was in 2001, and expenses have gone up since then, while some major utility users have been lost, according to Cundiff. Consequently, the water utility fund is operating at a deficit.

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