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Village Council Section :: Page 49

  • Revenue drop slows for YS in ’10

    Tax revenues for the Village of Yellow Springs have continued to drop in the first half of 2010, according to Village Finance Director Sharon Potter, but at a lower rate than in 2009. While Village leaders are hopeful that this smaller drop indicates that the economic downturn is easing up at the local level, they are feeling cautious regarding costly new projects.

  • Loan fund moves ahead

    At their Aug. 2 meeting, members of Village Council discussed how best to move forward with the Village’s Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund, a fund designed to aid local economic development by enabling the Village to loan money to existing and start-up businesses.

  • Council agrees to smart plant

    At its meeting Monday, July 19, Village Council approved the first reading of an ordinance committing to a “Smart Power Plant” program of American Municipal Power. The program allows the Village’s residential and commercial power consumers to take advantage of consulting services on how to reduce energy consumption.

  • Council pursues levy renewal

    Continuing a discussion they had last month about the Village property tax levy, Village Council members at their meeting Monday, July 19, voiced a general preference to renew the five-year levy at its current rate.

  • New Energy Board created

    At their July 6 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved the establishment of a Village Energy Board, an ongoing citizen volunteer group with a charge to work with Village staff to help reduce the Village’s carbon footprint in a variety of ways.

  • Solutions to brown water sought

    The periodic brown water in Yellow Springs homes is caused by manganese and is not harmful, according to Village Water and Wastewater Superintendent Joe Bates at Village Council’s June 21 meeting.

  • Council looks at affordability

    Village Council needs to decide whether it intends to make affordable housing a priority before moving ahead with a specific project, John Davis told Council members at their June 7 meeting.

  • Visioning moves into action steps

    About 120 participants took part in the final phase of visioning in May to choose the five action steps they would most like to see happen in the community. The action steps, along with many others, were generated from the previous two visioning phases.

  • Stutzman’s land for lease

    The 20-acre plot of Village-owned land on U.S. 68 North that formerly housed Stutzman’s Garden and Landscaping Center will be available for rent within a few months, according to Village Council at its June 7 meeting.

  • Visioning report to Council tonight

    Village of Yellow Springs

    Results from the local visioning effort will be presented on June 2 at a special joint meeting between Village Council and the Township Trustees.

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