Village Council Section :: Page 47
Loan fund restrictions eased
At their March 7 meeting, members of Village Council took an initial step toward removing the current restriction that prohibits nonprofits from applying for loans from the Village Revolving Loan Fund for Economic Development.
Village affordable housing project elicits community support, concerns
In a discussion of a proposed affordable housing development at Village Council’s Feb. 22 meeting, some villagers spoke in support of the potential public/private partnership to build four permanently-affordable homes.
Solar farm discussion continues
The Village is exploring the technical requirements for a 2 to 5 megawatt solar photovoltaic array that may be built in the Village. In a conference call this week, plans were made to study the Village’s electric distribution system before Council discusses SolarVision’s proposal at its March 22 meeting.
New business on Stutzman site
Village Council at its Feb. 7 meeting unanimously approved entering into a lease with villager Mitchell George for a new business located at the former site of Stutzman’s Nursery on U.S. 68 North.
Village Council— A lean and cautious budget
The Village budget for the 2011 general fund is slightly leaner than last year’s budget, with anticipated expenses down 1.6 percent from 2010.
Village Council — Levy monies spent as promised
At their Jan. 18 meeting Village Council members unanimously approved a resolution to place a renewal of the Village 8.4 mill property tax operating levy on the ballot in May.
Council says no to fluoride
At their meeting Tuesday, Jan. 18, members of Village Council voted to discontinue the practice of putting fluoride in Yellow Springs water.
Village to seek levy renewal
Village Council will seek a renewal rather than a reduction of its current property tax levy on the May ballot, Council members stated at their Jan. 3 meeting.
Council urged to make low-cost homes efficient
In Village Council’s first discussion of a draft agreement for a proposed affordable housing project at its Jan. 3 meeting, Council was urged to require from the developer tighter energy efficient building practices than currently specified.
Housing needs study considered
Whether or not to hire a consultant to develop a housing needs assessment for Yellow Springs was a topic at Village Council’s Dec. 6 meeting.
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