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Village Council Section :: Page 47

  • Loan fund restrictions eased

    At their March 7 meeting, members of Village Council took an initial step toward removing the current restriction that prohibits nonprofits from applying for loans from the Village Revolving Loan Fund for Economic Development.

  • Village affordable housing project elicits community support, concerns

    In a discussion of a proposed affordable housing development at Village Council’s Feb. 22 meeting, some villagers spoke in support of the potential public/private partnership to build four permanently-affordable homes.

  • Solar farm discussion continues

    SolarVision installed a 224-kilowatt solar array at the Athens Community Center last year.

    The Village is exploring the technical requirements for a 2 to 5 megawatt solar photovoltaic array that may be built in the Village. In a conference call this week, plans were made to study the Village’s electric distribution system before Council discusses SolarVision’s proposal at its March 22 meeting.

  • New business on Stutzman site

    Village Council at its Feb. 7 meeting unanimously approved entering into a lease with villager Mitchell George for a new business located at the former site of Stutzman’s Nursery on U.S. 68 North.

  • Village Council— A lean and cautious budget

    Source: Village Council

    The Village budget for the 2011 general fund is slightly leaner than last year’s budget, with anticipated expenses down 1.6 percent from 2010.

  • Village Council — Levy monies spent as promised

    At their Jan. 18 meeting Village Council members unanimously approved a resolution to place a renewal of the Village 8.4 mill property tax operating levy on the ballot in May.

  • Council says no to fluoride

    At their meeting Tuesday, Jan. 18, members of Village Council voted to discontinue the practice of putting fluoride in Yellow Springs water.

  • Village to seek levy renewal

    Village Council will seek a renewal rather than a reduction of its current property tax levy on the May ballot, Council members stated at their Jan. 3 meeting.

  • Council urged to make low-cost homes efficient

    In Village Council’s first discussion of a draft agreement for a proposed affordable housing project at its Jan. 3 meeting, Council was urged to require from the developer tighter energy efficient building practices than currently specified.

  • Housing needs study considered

    Whether or not to hire a consultant to develop a housing needs assessment for Yellow Springs was a topic at Village Council’s Dec. 6 meeting.

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