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Village Council Section :: Page 48

  • Council approves 2011 Village goals

    At their Dec. 6 meeting, members of Yellow Springs Village Council unanimously approved their overarching principles and goals for 2011.

  • Council approves 2011 Village goal

    At their Dec. 6 meeting, members of Yellow Springs Village Council unanimously approved their overarching principles and goals for 2011.

  • Council approves 2011 principles, goals

    At their Dec. 6 meeting, Village Council members approved principles and goals for 2011.

  • Council approves school travel plan

    At its Nov. 15 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously endorsed the Safe Routes to School Travel Plan, or SRTS, that will be submitted soon to the Ohio Department of Transportation, or ODOT, for possible funding.

  • A closer look at fluoridation

    At a Village Council-sponsored forum on fluoridated water last weekend, some lesser known facts were shared by several scientists who were invited to speak on the sometimes controversial issue. While ingesting fluoride is not recommended for infants, for example…

  • Council approves initial step towards affordable housing

    At their Nov. 1 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved taking a step toward creating the first Village-sponsored affordable housing project in the past several decades. The project, proposed by Council President Judith Hempfling and Vice-President Lori Askeland…

  • Green space funds proposed

    To preserve the Jacoby Greenbelt on the western edge of Yellow Springs, Village Council should have sufficient greenbelt funds to act quickly when landowners are ready to sell, according to Tecumseh Land Trust Executive Director Krista Magaw at Council’s Oct. 14 meeting.

  • Village Council—Affordable housing project is a multi-stage process

    Village Council’s process for a recently proposed small affordable housing project will involve several stages, according to Council President Judith Hempfling at Council’s Oct. 18 meeting. If Council approves entering into a Memorandum of Agreement, or MOA, with Home, Inc….

  • Proposal considered for affordable village housing

    Village Council members began a discussion on a proposal for a modest joint Village/Home, Inc., project for affordable housing.

  • Council OKs solar project

    At their Sept. 20 meeting, Village Council members voted unanimously to participate in the Village’s first solar power energy package. Council approved the final reading of a subscription package with American Municipal Power, or AMP, which has contracted with Standard Energy, Inc., to purchase up to 300 megawatts of solar energy.

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