Village Council Section :: Page 45
Village shake-up considered
At the Aug. 15 Village Council meeting, several Council members expressed reluctant support for a proposal from Village Manager Mark Cundiff to reorganize the Village staff to add an assistant manager position.
Village worker raise recommended
t the Aug. 1 regular Village Council meeting, Village Manager Mark Cundiff recommended that Village staff receive a 2 percent annual raise for all regular full and part-time employees, retroactive to July 3.
Rumpke gets nod as trash collector
Yellow Springs Village Council decided at its July 18 meeting that if “it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” regarding the hiring of a contractor for solid waste pickup.
Village Council— Tree-trimming moves ahead
Spurred by several recent power outages, the Village is moving ahead quickly with more aggressive tree-trimming in the south end of town, according to Superintendent of Water and Electric Kelley Fox this week. “With the recent storms, the trees have wreaked havoc,” Fox said. “The bottom line is that we have to trim the trees […]
Council votes 3–2 on gas
On Monday, June 20, Village Council in a close vote approved a contract with American Municipal Power, or AMP, to participate in a natural gas plant at Fremont, Ohio
Village Council— Vote on natural gas coming
Village Council will consider purchasing power from a new natural gas plant at its June 20 meeting in yet another decision affecting the town’s electricity portfolio and its carbon footprint.
Village Council— How much to cut back trees?
At their June 6 meeting Village Council began a discussion of Village tree-trimming policy, sparked by the need to budget money for this year’s tree work.
Village Council — Hard questions for green town
Village Council addressed the issue whether the Village should sign a contract with American Municipal Power, or AMP, for participation in a natural gas plant in Fremont, Ohio.
Gardeners may get utilities break
Yellow Springs gardeners will soon get a break on their Village utility bills if Council approves a new resolution at its next meeting.
Council to vote on natural gas
The challenge of meeting local energy needs with non-polluting energy sources presented itself in a new form to Village Council on May 16, as Council considered whether to use natural gas as an intermediate energy source.
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