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Antioch College Section :: Page 27

  • Antioch College alumni reunion— $9 million gift announced

    The revived Antioch College needs to articulate a powerful sense of mission, both to attract students and to attract major funding sources, according to President Mark Roosevelt.

  • College names Louise Smith new director of community life

    Antioch College announced yesterday that is has hired former theater professor Louise Smith as its new director of community life. Also this week, the college announced that Chicago-based artist Sara Black has been hired as the college’s new assistant professor in 3–D art.

  • Roosevelt announces $9 million gift to college

    At Friday’s Antioch College alumni reunion, President Mark Roosevelt announced that the college’s board of trustees had pledged $9 million over the next three years to the college.

  • Antioch College — Head fundraiser appointed

    Steve Sturman, the new head fund raiser for Antioch College, sees similarities between the school where he most recently worked.

  • State of the College: ‘You have a college that’s yours again’

    Last Friday Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt gave the State of the College address to an audience of about 50 Antioch and Yellow Springs community members. The event was the beginning of a weekend-long meeting of the college’s board. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    In his State of the College address Friday night, Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt articulated a new vision for Antioch as a college that will focus on addressing the challenges of sustainability

  • Antioch College names advancement head

    On Friday, May 27, Antioch College names Stephen Sturman as the college’s new vice president for advancement.

  • Sustainability new focus for Antioch College

    At his State of the College address on May 20, Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt announced that sustainability will be a focus for the revived college.

  • Morgan Fellow jobs to end in June— Antioch’s cultural presence, revived

    Morgan Fellows Jean Gregorek, left, Anne Bohlen and Scott Warren have been busy developing the curriculum and programming events at the revived college since September 2009. Their jobs come to an end on June 30. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    It didn’t take long after Antioch College became an independent liberal arts college in September 2009 for the revived college’s presence to be felt in the village.

  • John Sims exhibit to open at Antioch College

    The work of Antioch alum John Sims and other New York City artists will be featured at “Rhythm of Structure: Mathematics, Art and Poetic Reflection,” an exhibit created by Sims that opens with a reception this Saturday, May 21, 6–9 p.m. at the Herndon Gallery on the Antioch College campus.

  • Antioch College — An overflow of first students

    For the first time in recent memory, the freshman class of Antioch College is over-enrolled.

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