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Antioch College Section :: Page 29

  • Antioch hires first faculty, gains on accreditation

    Antioch College announced this week that the college has hired its first three tenure-track faculty members. And last week, the revived college received notice that it successfully jumped the first hurdle on the road to gaining accreditation.

  • Rahmanian an Antioch College academic leader

    Longtime Antioch College faculty member and former Nonstop leader Hassan Rahmanian has been named the revived college’s new dean for curriculum, assessment, planning and interdisciplinary learning.

  • Antioch College hires first faculty

    This week Antioch College leaders announced that the college has filled three out of its first six tenure-track faculty positions, and passed the first hurdle on the multi-year path to accreditation.

  • Antioch welcomes back Rahmanian

    Hassan Rahmanian, Ph.D. will return to Antioch College as its dean for curriculum, assessment, planning and interdisciplinary learning.

  • Manuel Martinez to read at final Antioch Fireside

    Manuel Martinez, a professor at OSU, will read from his novels "Drift," "Day of the Dead," and "Los Duros" on Sunday, March 20, at 2 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center.

    Author Manuel Martinez will complete Antioch’s Fireside Readings series when he reads from three of his novels. Find out more.

  • Cincinnati writers to read at this week’s Antioch Fireside

    The fourth in a series of fireside readings at Antioch College features three young creative writers pursuing their Ph.D.s at the University of Cincinnati — Rachel Steiger-Meister, Katherine Zlabek and Michelle Burke. They will read on Sunday, March 6, at 2 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center on the Antioch campus.

  • Antioch admits first students

    James Russell is among the first four young people — two from Texas and two from Ohio — to be accepted by Antioch College during its early admissions process.

  • This week’s Fireside features Antioch’s own Louima and T.J. Jarrett

    The third Antioch College Fireside reading will feature writers Gariot Louima and T.J. Jarrett, reading short fiction and poetry on Sunday, Feb. 27, at 2 p.m.

  • Antioch College admits first students

    Four members of Antioch College’s first entering class of 25 students have been chosen during the school’s early admissions process.

  • Writer to read essays about his life with cancer

    As part of the Antioch College fireside reading series, writer and teacher Rafael Torch will read from his recent creative nonfiction work on Sunday, Feb. 20, at 2 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center.

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