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Antioch College Section :: Page 25

  • The revelation of being a painter

    Patricia Cole of Bloomington, Ind., will be artist-in-residence at Antioch College until mid-February. She will give a talk on her work at the college’s Herndon Gallery this Sunday, Jan. 22, at 3 p.m. Her paintings will be on exhibit at the Glen House gallery beginning the end of January. (Photo submitted by Dennie Eagleson)

    From January until mid-February, painter Patricia Cole will be artist-in-residence at Antioch College.

  • Courageous conversation at Antioch

    Panelists at the Antioch College MLK Day panel on diversity issues at the college were, from left, Maceo Cofield, ’71; Devon Berry, ’99; Shelby Chestnut, ’05, moderator Prexy Nesbitt, ’67; Nargees Jumahum, ’15; and Robin Henry, ’81. About 100 students, staff and townspeople attended the event in McGregor 113. (Submitted photo by Dennie Eagleson)

    A common theme emerged during the Antioch College MLK Day panel on diversity issues at the college. The panelists related similar stories of the stress and isolation of being a minority student. However, they also agreed that the college taught them critical skills that they see as unique to the Antioch experience.

  • College announces new board chair, extension of full-tuition fellowships

    The Antioch College Board of Trustees announced today that current board member Frances Horowitz will take over the position of board chair from Lee Morgan, who will remain on the board as vice-chair but focus on fund-raising. The board also recently voted to extend the four-year full tuition Horace Mann Fellowships to incoming students next fall.

  • Higher education— Antioch up and running again

    2011 Year in review: Higher education

  • Students take a global look at water

    Antioch College student Adam Abraham researched the history of global conflicts caused by the scarcity of water as his final project for the global seminar on the topic of water. All 35 students presented their final projects at McGregor Hall last Wednesday. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Having approached the topic of water through the disciplines of art, science, history, literature, environmentalism and political science all in one semester, Antioch College faculty members Lewis Trelawny-Cassidy and David Kammler received a range of final projects that reflected their integrative model.

  • Antioch students assess their year

    It’s Sunday night on the Antioch College campus and while some students are studying, others are cooking a meal they planned for fellow students. They shared their thoughts on the school year thus far.

  • Glimpses into Antioch student life

    All eyes are on the first group of 34 Antioch College students, who received full tuition scholarships in exchange for the risk, and reward, of helping revive the college. See a gallery of images of student life.

  • Antioch seeks local jobs for students

    As leaders of a school that places work at the heart of its educational experience, Antioch leaders face a challenge: in this economic downturn, they aim to create local jobs for the college’s first class of students.

  • Antioch organizes Occupy teach-in

    Antioch College faculty and students organized a teach-in on the Occupy Movement last week. See more photos from the event.

  • New college dines responsibly

    Antioch College Chef Isaac DeLamatre made plans for the opening of the college’s new kitchen and dining room, which opened on Nov. 9 in the basement of Birch Hall. Dean of Community Life Louise Smith led the design of a cooperative, locally-sourced plan to feed the campus. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Antioch college’s innovative approach to food was born partly of the need to recognize the ecological demands of food service and also to honor the experience of eating in community.

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