Obituaries Section :: Page 148
Jessica A. Curry
Jessica A. Curry of Springfield died Jan. 13. She was 39.
A. Josephine Mitchell
On Dec. 28, A. Josephine Mitchell died, after a lengthy illness.
Aaron Matthew Fugate
Aaron Matthew Fugate died in the early morning hours of January 1, 2012.
Robert Whitmore
Robert Bennett “Ben” Whitmore, died Oct. 24, 2011. He was 80.
2011 births and deaths
2011 Year in review: births and deaths
Ruth Ricket
Ruth L. Ricket died Wednesday, Nov. 23 at Friends Care Center. She was 91.
Bobbie Jordan
Bobbie Jeanette Duerson Jordan died Nov. 7. She was 61.
Linda Simms
Linda Lee Simms of Yellow Springs died Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011. She was 64.
Mike Kelley
Mike Paul Kelley of Yellow Springs died Wednesday, Nov. 30. He was 65.
Naomi McKee
Naomi Jean McKee died Thursday, Dec. 1. She was 84.
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