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Village Life Section :: Page 8

  • Local swimmer’s goal spawns new nonprofit

    Amy Wamsley is slated to swim across the English Channel next spring — a goal she’s held since childhood. At the same time, she’s currently working to build her newly established nonprofit, Amy’s Swimventure.

  • Wheeling Gaunt Day celebration planned

    The 365 Project will host the third annual Wheeling Gaunt Day on Saturday, Sept. 14, beginning at 10 a.m., at the Wheeling Gaunt Statue plaza to commemorate the life of the Black real estate investor/philanthropist who donated nine acres of land, now Gaunt Park, to the village.

  • Sankofa Talk | Keep showing up for John Crawford

    Despite being emotionally mauled at every step toward justice for John Crawford III, we will continue to acknowledge that he was, in fact, a human being who did not deserve to die in the name of sport-hunting of Black men.

  • Growing local at Finca Taína

    Local resident Amanda Duprey Hernandez has begun farming a new plot at the Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice thanks to grants from two nonprofits, Hall Hunger Initiative and the Yellow Springs Community Foundation.

  • Doggie Swim to end pool season

    Odin the bulldog was happy to kick back and lounge by the pool while others of his ilk splashed and played in the water. (Photos by Reilly Dixon)

    Gaunt Park Pool will conclude its season on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2, with the annual Doggie Swim, from 8–9 p.m.

  • Sweet treats at Mariano Rios’ Matria Argentine Patisserie

    Mariano Rios, owner of Matria Argentine Patisserie and the former La Pampa Mobile Grill, recently obtained a spot in Second Street Market in Dayton, as well as agreements to sell his pastries at local coffee shops in Yellow Springs.

  • Gratitude for 54 seasons of Perry League fun

    The final night of T-ball also means trophies. Each child was recognized with a Perry League “helmet” or “ponytail” trophy.

  • Dawn Patrol Rendezvous World War I Fly-In

    The Dawn Patrol Rendezvous World War I Fly-In will take place Friday–Sunday, Sept. 13–15 at the Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport in neighboring Springfield.

  • Creepingbear hits the mats

    A brown belt who has trained and competed throughout the country, villager Shane Creepingbear hosts a jiu-jitsu training class every Thursday, 7–8 p.m., on the top floor of the Antioch College Wellness Center.

  • Sex and the Village | Flipping the ‘dimmer switch’

    “Someone who is used to the ‘on/off switch’ will likely have a hard time understanding the ‘dimmer switch’ as an option for gender expression.”

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