Village Life Section :: Page 40
Downtown Yellow Springs’ most-cherished businesses
“What Yellow Springs store or restaurant — now closed — do you miss the most, and what did you love about it?” In September 2020, the News posed that question to the Yellow Springs community at large and received more than 1,000 responses. Current and former villagers shared their memories and reminisced about places that were true local institutions.
My Name Is Iden | My kids call me ‘Deedee’
“I didn’t know what it would be like to raise my children as a transgender woman, but I was pretty sure it would be awful.”
Down to Earth | ‘Capture the positive’ on Earth Day
“The human species is facing so many difficult issues in our world community right now, ranging from the war in Ukraine to climate change. Let’s use this Earth Day to capture the positive.”
COVID Update | May 26, 2022
The number of new cases in the state, tallied for May 13–19 was 19,556, compared to 15,950 for the week of May 6–12.
Revisiting the Kingwood Solar project
Thousands of pages of testimony, motions, exhibits and other related documents have been filed in the ongoing effort by Texas-based Vesper Energy to build and operate a large-scale solar power field that encompasses land in Miami, Xenia and Cedarville townships.
COVID Update | May 19, 2022
The number of new cases in the state, tallied for April 29–May 5, was 11,013 compared to 8,731 April 22–28.
COVID Update | May 12, 2022
The number of new COVID-19 cases continued to rise in Ohio and Greene County last week, according to the latest data released by the Ohio Department of Health on Thursday, May 5.
‘Returned’ join World House Choir
Twelve “returned,” or formerly incarcerated, artists, including rap performers and visual artists from several area prisons, will join the World House Choir to present “Solidarity Dividend: Art in Action,” Saturday, May 14, at 7 p.m., and Sunday, May 15, at 3 p.m., in the Foundry Theater on the campus of Antioch College.
New leaders for Perry League T-ball
T-ball lovers of all ages — but particularly those ages 2–9 — have reason to celebrate: A new slate of volunteers have stepped up to the plate to lead Perry League, the village’s beloved, 52-year-old T-ball program.
COVID Update | May 5, 2022
The number of new COVID-19 cases rose again in Ohio and Greene County, according to the latest weekly data released by the Ohio Department of Health on Thursday, April 28. The number of new cases in the state, tallied for April 22–28, was 8,731, compared to 6,890 for April 15–21.
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