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Village Life Section :: Page 38

  • Abundant happiness at Friday T-ball

    If you happened to be at Gaunt Park just before 6:30 p.m you would have been watching nearly 20 children running circles in the sand while waiting for another game of Yellow Springs Perry League T-ball.

  • YS Pride Festival, 2022

    One of dozens of floats participating in the 2022 Pride Parade that snaked its way through the village, Saturday June 25. In addition to affirming LGBTQ+ rights, participants also showed support for reproductive rights. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Hundreds of people from the village and around the region celebrated a weekend of inclusivity at the YS Pride Festival, June 24–26.

  • COVID Update | June 30, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on approved COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months, on Saturday, June 18, local families have reported difficulty finding a provider offering vaccinations for children younger than 3 years of age.

  • Perry League T-ball | A village affair

    Here in the Village of Yellow Springs, a unique marker has signified the arrival of summer to generations of children raised in the village: Perry League T-ball.

  • Down to Earth | ‘Keystone species’ vital

    “Whereas native species are always better than non-native species in fueling food webs, not all native plants are equal. Keystone native species are superior because they support many more wildlife species.”

  • Village to treat Ellis Pond for algae

    After several attempts at environmentally friendly mitigation techniques, the Village plans to treat the pond with herbicide to kill the algae.

  • Perry League T-ball | All smiles on the diamond

    It was a perfect and beautiful evening for opening day at T-ball. Those present, including approximately 60 players and an equal or greater number of spectators, enjoyed an hour and a half of chaos and fun.

  • Walk to honor Juneteenth, Black history

    In its second year as both an official Village and a federal holiday, Juneteenth will be celebrated in Yellow Springs on Sunday, June 19, beginning with a 10-mile walk from Wilberforce to the village and culminating in a celebration at the Bryan Center.

  • Feminist Health Fund receives large donation

    Last week, members of the nonprofit Feminist Health Fund met with members of the giving group 100 Women Making a Difference in Greene County, to accept a large donation of $12,600.

  • Zackey settles in at YS Community Children’s Center

    Though she’s only been at the helm of the YS Community Children’s Center for about three weeks, new Director Dana Zackey told the News this week that she’s settling in at the 75-year-old village school and making it feel like home.

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