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Village Life Section :: Page 20

  • Free event to promote women’s health

    The locally based Feminist Health Fund will host Women’s Health & Wellness Day on Saturday, Sept. 30, 1–4 p.m., at the Wellness Center, 240 E. South College St., on the Antioch College campus.

  • My Name Is Iden | Put aside your judgement

    My Name is Iden

    “Ignorance must be met with teaching, not preaching. Your right may be different from my right.”

  • Villagers Beth Rubin, Catherine Roma to be inducted into Greene County Women’s Hall of Fame

    Two local residents, Beth Rubin and Catherine Roma, have been named to this year’s roster of inductees to the Greene County Women’s Hall of Fame, or GCWHF. Since its establishment in 1981, the GCWHF has aimed to honor women living and working in Greene County.

  • Sunflower field to bloom next week

    The Yellow Springs sunflower field planted each year by Sharon and David Neuhardt just north of the village, at 4627 U.S. 68, is anticipated to be in full bloom beginning Friday, Sept. 22, and lasting through at least the next weekend.

  • The Patterdale Hall Diaries | Mice and moles and shrews, oh my!

    “One lasting memory of my time at Oxford was watching a cricket match between the Bodleian librarians and some local captains of industry.”

  • West Nile Virus detected in area

    Greene County Public Health has received notice from the Ohio Department of Health that West Nile Virus was detected in mosquito samples recently trapped in Beavercreek and Bellbrook, according to a press release from health officials.

  • ‘The Wrecking Crew’ reflects on 2020 protests

    On Aug. 21, Bomani Moyenda and several members of the Wrecking Crew gathered in Antioch College’s MacGregor Hall to discuss the 25 weeks of non-stop organizing and protests.

  • Building Community | An ecology for all in Glen Helen

    “There may be no better place to witness that confluence of differing goals and interconnectedness than the 1,147 acres that compose the Glen Helen Nature Preserve.”

  • My Name Is Iden | The limits of metaphor

    My Name is Iden

    “We are not books, but we do have stories, and nothing ruins a story like certainty. I hope I am writing a good one.”

  • The Patterdale Hall Diaries | Weathering a bomb cyclone

    “The winds hit about 11 p.m. just as I went to bed, and the temperature dropped from 40º F to -9º F, or -24º C, in the space of two hours.”

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