Village Life Section :: Page 22
Heat can’t dampen Perry League joy
Before the game even started, a trio of girls were observed in the infield tossing the fine dirt above their heads and making clouds while belting out “Let it Go.”
Emergency cooling shelters established
The John Bryan Community Center has been designated as a 24-hour emergency cooling center; Greene County Public Libraries are also designated as cooling centers during hours of operation.
News from the Past: July 2023
In 1973, 50 years ago, Antioch College welcomes 243 new students to campus. 25 years ago, the Yellow Springs Women’s Park was officially opened and dedicated. Ten years ago, a firefight and all-night standoff took place in the village.
Yellow Springs Tree Committee to host webinar on longhorned beetle
The Yellow Springs Tree Committee will host a webinar titled “Asian Longhorned Beetle: The Threat in Black and White,” on Monday, July 24, at 6 p.m.
Perry League | T-ballers shine in the ‘dog days’
Friday night’s T-ball contest was like those preceding this season, having in common a field overflowing with sunshine! And each one of the Perry League players in attendance projected that light.
Perry League’s ‘Midsummer Classic’ draws local sluggers
Many of those who arrived at Gaunt Park for the Perry League “Midsummer Classic” event were greeted by the unmistakable smell of french fries.
Greene County Beekeepers Association to host Honey Harvest Festival
The Greene County Beekeepers Association will present its annual Honey Harvest Festival on Saturday, July 15, 11 a.m.–3 p.m., at Glen Helen’s Camp Greene.
The Patterdale Hall Diaries | Start chopping
“We need dry wood, multiple cuts. Tinder, kindling and overnighter logs. We have all these, but the fact that they need to be there every day is exciting.”
My Name Is Iden | Everyone is a winner (or else)
“There will always be outstanding players, leaders in every field, and they are vital, but they are not so worthy of praise that we should devalue the contributions of the other team members.”
Perry League T-ball represents best of community
Friday night Perry League games contain all of the elements one would witness in sandlots around the world. It is a sport embraced on a global level.
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