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Village Schools Section :: Page 45

  • In their service

    Mills Lawn students honored veterans and current service members Monday, on the observed Veteran’s Day, by inviting them to a luncheon. Students gave readings on the history of the holiday, and the 5th- and 6th-grade choir sang the national anthem. The mood was celebratory, yet respectful. The table in the background was set and purposely left empty to remind the assemled of those veterans who had died or were otherwise unable to attend. Above, ????? ????????? reads about Armistice Day, which celebrated the end of World War I, and later became known as Veteran’s Day in the United States. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Mills Lawn students honored veterans and current service members Monday, on the observed Veteran’s Day, by inviting them to a luncheon.

  • School facilities update — K–12 options off the table

    The Yellow Springs school district is no longer considering building options that would put a combined K–12 facility on a single site, according to Superintendent Mario Basora this week. He cited cost as the reason for taking the K–12 options off the table.

  • Spooky Steps

    Present at the parade were fairies and trolls, heroes and robots, and, apparently giant rodents (Adeline Zinger), ’80s dancers (Lily Herzog), superheroines (Isabella Rion) and at least one regal princess (Rhythme Greene). (Photos by Robert Hasek)

    This year’s Mills Lawn ghouls trod the well-worn path of the traditional Halloween Parade.

  • Sinking feeling

    The first Bulldog Theater Festival kicks off this weekend with “The Last Lifeboat,” directed by Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp, which tells the story of the man who built, and then survived, the sinking of the Titanic. Shown above at a rehearsal are the principals, from left, top: Raina Kraus, Pete Freeman, Liam Hackett. Below: Keira Hendricks, Delia Hallett, Julia Hoff, and Elyah Naziri. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    This weekend and next, the McKinney and YSHS theater departments will present the first Bulldog Theater Festival.

  • Plan ends Yellow Springs High School class ranking

    Characterizing the calculations that determine class rankings as “unfair,” McKinney Middle and Yellow Springs High School Principal Tim Krier laid out a plan at the Thursday, Oct. 12, school board meeting to discontinue the designation of a graduating valedictorian and salutatorian.

  • Citizens speak on school facilities

    Villagers’ questions and concerns about the impact of new school facilities on local affordability and the environment came to the fore at a recent public forum, held Oct. 11 at the Bryan Center.

  • BLOG–“Refugee 101” and “Muslim Community Voices” offerings by the BCP

    As the current administration continues to threaten immigrants, refugees, and Muslims, let us be proactive in our resistance. You can help by simply taking surveys, attending events, and participating in conversations aimed at future action.

  • Schools survey underway

    This week and next, several hundred villagers will be contacted by Wright State researchers and asked about their preferences for addressing the needs of local school facilities.

  • Bulldog Theater Festival to present two student plays this fall

    McKinney and YSHS will present two plays in October and November.

    The McKinney and YSHS theater departments will expand their offerings this fall with the first Bulldog Theater Festival, which will bring two theatrical performances to local audiences.

  • Board of Education— Meeting focuses on facilities

    The Yellow Springs Board of Education met in a work session on Wednesday, Sept. 13, to take stock of the ongoing discussion about the future of the district’s physical facilities and to determine the board’s next steps.

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