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Articles About Prose Poem
  • BLOG— Black chimes, moving like branches

    Marc Chagall, "Musicians," 1979 (Via Wikiart)

    The jays wake up mouthy. The crows flap shouting out of sleep. Everyone has a voice. Especially the silent ones.

  • BLOG— The love that is the world

    I do know that light enters at odd times. I’ve experienced it. I do know that the eye finds light — co-creates it — and so the cosmic keyhole that separated and joined the star and my eye tonight was a necessary contrivance of both.

  • BLOG— Another year by

    Time, is that you knocking? At the door this time, Time, three sharp raps from the oldest knuckles in the world. Another year by, Time? Really? Why, I remember you at last year’s door.

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