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  • A Brazilian beat for dancing feet

    Click on to the Web site of New York City-based accordionist and composer Rob Curto at and when the music starts, just try to keep your body motionless. Concentrate on keeping your shoulders completely still…

  • Earth Day: busy and green

    Called by the spring weather, Yellow Springs is organizing a weekend of events to get people thinking about how to respect the planet in honor of Earth Day coming up on April 22. The focus? Garbage! And energy! And compact fluorescent lightbulbs!

  • Village ends ’07 fiscal year with $1.5 million surplus

    The Village of Yellow Springs ended its 2007 fiscal year with a general fund surplus of about $1.5 million, its largest surplus in recent years, according to Village Manager Eric Swansen at Council’s March 31 meeting.

  • Nonstop Antioch, nonstop ideals

    Some folks just won’t take no for an answer. Take, for instance, the faculty, students and alumni of Antioch College who recently launched Nonstop Antioch. “We have heard ‘no’ so many times, but it’s not in our vocabulary,”…

  • Bulldog Sports

    With a steady third singles player and an elegant team with strong resolve, the Yellow Springs tennis squad turned out two wins against Xenia Christian and Cedarville and a loss to Miami Valley in the opening week of play.

  • Visiting Buddhist nuns seek help for Nepali girls at risk

    As a girl growing up in Nepal, Sister Dhamma Vijaya saw few opportunities. Most girls were not educated. She was expected to marry by 15, then leave her parents’ home for the home of her husband’s family, where she would have little power.

  • FCC sticks with 3-story plan

    Yellow Springs residents filled Council chambers at the Bryan Community Center for the March 24 meeting of the Yellow Springs Planning Commission, expecting a public hearing on the Friends Care Community’s proposal for use of the Barr property for moderately priced senior apartments.

  • Early music renaissance in village

    Pat Olds first started the Early Music Center in Yellow Springs in 1979 shortly after learning she had multiple sclerosis. A professional cellist, she was devastated that she could no longer perform for an audience. But she soon found that she could still play the viola da gamba,…

  • Negotiations between ACCC and university come to a halt

    Negotiations between Antioch University and the Antioch College Continuation Corporation, or ACCC, came to an end Friday, March 28, when the university did not respond to the deadline set by ACCC for a response to its final offer to purchase the college.

  • Soccer Inc. camps to start in June

    Yellow Springs Soccer Inc. (YSSI) will host summer soccer camps during the week of June 16–20 for kids in Yellow Springs and surrounding areas. This will be the third year for these locally held soccer camps.

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