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  • Hilary McLellan

    Hilary McLellan of Saratoga Springs, N.Y., died on October 3 after a 30-month fight with cancer. Hilary graduated from high school in Paris, France; earned a bachelors from the University of California-Riverside, a masters from Miami University of Ohio and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Hilary was a media artist, storyteller and educator. […]

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    On a dreary day at the Div. III District cross country meet at Englewood’s Miami Valley Tech Center on Saturday, Oct. 24, YSHS ninth grader Lois Miller emerged eighth out of 140 runners in 20:20.

  • Levy supports local seniors

    Every Monday morning, 85-year old resident Grace Funderburg gets help cleaning her house on Lisa Lane. Local resident Mary Peterson comes over to vacuum and dust, and the two often share stories about the village they raised their children in. Several times a week Funderburg also gets a ride to town from a volunteer driver […]

  • Swine flu arrives in county

    As in most of the rest of the country, the H1N1 flu, or swine flu, has arrived in Greene County, according to Don Brannon, epidemiologist of the Greene County Combined Health Department in an interview this week. While Brannon had no information regarding specific numbers in Yellow Springs because those numbers are not being recorded, about 10 people with the flu have been hospitalized in the county this month, he said.

  • Candidates discuss stronger schools

    During an election forum at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Oct. 25, seven candidates for Yellow Springs school board shared their views on issues from improving student engagement to the impending change in school leadership.

  • Survey highlights concerns of special needs parents

    Most parents of special needs children in the Yellow Springs school system are satisfied with their children’s program. However, the level of satisfaction drops considerably when the child moves from Mills Lawn to the middle school and high school, where a lack of communication between parents and teachers, and teachers with each other, are perceived areas of discontent.

  • Mel Fine

    Melvin Herbert Fine, 70, of Kettering, died Wednesday, Oct. 14, at Hospice of Dayton. He lived in Yellow Springs from 1968 to 1998. He was born Feb. 1, 1939, in Newark, N. J., and grew up in Wilmington, Del. Mel graduated from University of Delaware in 1960 with a degree in biology and from Yale […]

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Football team bests Riverview The Bulldog football team’s third-string offense came to the rescue on Friday, Oct. 16, leading to the second win of the season 14–0 against Riverview East Academy. Yellow Springs quarterback Tony Parker came in for injured players and managed a respectable eight passes for 13 attempts to total 139 yards, including […]

  • A nonprofit, Little Art lives on

    Zack McGhee loves the Little Art Theatre. He first started coming here for the indie circuit as a teenager from Fairborn and then in 2006 became a projectionist to get paid for one of his favorite pastimes. He is proud to have brought his Republican parents here to see films such as Michael Moore’s Bowling […]

  • Levy, budget on board plate

    At their Oct. 8 meeting, school board members discussed the updated five-year financial forecast in the light of current economic difficulties.

    District Treasurer Joy Kitzmiller and Interim Superintendent Tony Armocida are recommending that the district seek a levy renewal in May 2010, at the same level as the current levy, which according to Kitzmiller, has remained constant for 10 years.

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