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  • Memory book for Coach Chesire

    T-ball coach Coach Jimmy Chesire is retiring, and plans are underway to commemorate his 25 years of dedication to young people and t-ball with a memory book. Susan Hyde is requesting pictures and/or stories about t-ball players and/or Jimmy, from t-ball players and their families past and present. Susan requests submissions to her by Oct. […]

  • Alumni celebrate their new college

    Alumni from across the country who came to Yellow Springs for the weekend reunion. The event was a celebration of the revival of Antioch College as an independent liberal arts institution, a deal finalized Sept. 4 when alumni leaders received the keys to the college from leaders of Antioch University.

  • Anthrotech to measure Army

    For getting precise measurements of the human body, no anthropologists in the country are more highly specialized than those at Anthrotech. That is likely the reason the U.S. Army chose the Yellow Springs outfit last month to complete the task of obtaining a statistical sample of the physical proportions of its soldiers.

  • Bench talk gets new legs

    A recent mediated dialogue between local young people and downtown business owners has increased understanding between the two groups and will likely result in a new public bench downtown, Village Council members were told at their Oct. 5 meeting. “The message to the youth is that they’re important to the community and that we want […]

  • Brains behind the scarecrows

    One day last week a group of Mills Lawn sixth graders could be found in a classroom hanging around with scarecrows. Specifically, they were creating scarecrows from found objects, an activity they found to be not only crafty and fun, but an act of service and leadership.

  • 45 years for soccer league

    Yellow Springs Soccer Inc., YSSI, will celebrate 45 years of recreational soccer and honor Joe Robinson, the founder of the YS Recreational Soccer League, with a community potluck on Saturday, Nov. 7, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Mills Lawn School auditorium. Interested individuals and families are encouraged to keep this date available and […]

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Two advance to golf districts On Wednesday, Sept. 30, at the Moss Creek course in Trotwood, YSHS golfers Carl Weiner and Lucas Donnell did what only two previous Bulldog golfers have done — qualify for the Division III District tournament. Competing in the sectional match at Moss Creek, Weiner and Donnell each shot an 89 […]

  • Steven Perry

    Dr. Steven R. Perry, Ph.D., of Linhue, Hawaii, died April 19 in Hawaii. Perry entered Antioch College in 1960 from Syracuse, N.Y. Steve Perry was well known at Antioch during the mid-1960s, and served two terms (four quarters) as community manager. He was very active during his time at Antioch. After his graduation, he earned […]

  • Earl ‘Don’ Boles

    Earl D. “Don” Boles, 85, of Clifton passed away September 20 in his home, surrounded by family and friends following a lengthy and courageous battle with cancer. He was born December 23, 1923, the son of William and Nora (Staggs) Boles in Adams County. Survivors include his wife of 53 years Mary (Peyton) Boles, son […]

  • James Kitzmiller

    Obituary—James Kitzmiller

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