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  • Jobs, land use are forum topics

    The need for collaboration between the Village and various entities, including Miami Township and Antioch College, emerged as a theme during last Sunday’s candidate forum held at the First Presbyterian Church. And while Village Council candidates agreed on the need for job growth, they differed as to how to best pursue that goal.

  • Top library hopes for support

    Call him crazy, but Greene County Public Library Director Karl Colón believes that the library ought to serve the taxpayers who support it. When the people said in a 2005 survey that they wanted more youth programs, better communication and a bigger collection, the Yellow Springs library started console game madness for teens, gussied up its newsletter and Web site and started ordering more books.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Boys soccer beats Greenview The YSHS boys soccer team beat the Greeneview Rams 3–2 on the road Saturday, Oct. 10. After a lackluster first half, the Bulldogs were fortunate to only be trailing the Rams 1–0, and soon enough, Greeneview was up 2–0 before Yellow Springs finally started to click. Alexis Onfroy scored first on […]

  • Community visioning 2009— Share your vision of the village

    The future of Yellow Springs. Imagine it, come together on what it should be, then build the community that villagers agree they would like to be a part of. It may sound daunting, but Village Council, three Miami Township Trustees, 35 local volunteer leaders, and a professional consultant group with 20 years of experience are literally banking on a visioning process to carry Yellow Springs and Miami Township into the next successful phase. They believe this process can work, and they want to hear your version of a vision for the community.

  • Village faces easement suit

    After an executive session following its Oct. 5 meeting, Village Council passed a resolution of intent to appropriate an easement from a Township resident who is suing the Village over a disputed easement on his property adjacent to Village limits.

  • MLS principal resigns post

    In executive session last Thursday, Yellow Springs Board of Education members “received and accepted” a letter of resignation from Mills Lawn principal Christine Hatton. The letter cited “personal reasons” and was effective immediately. Board members said the resignation was not expected.

  • Multiple options considered for economic advisory body— Community Resources role discussed

    Looking for economic development leadership in Yellow Springs, Village Council is considering multiple options, including using Community Resources as the village’s official community improvement corporation (CIC) if that group chooses to do so, establishing a more broad-based economic sustainability committee, or some combination of the two. As part of this discussion, questions have been raised about the appropriateness of Community Resources as the sole advisory body, given some villagers’ concerns about that group’s past projects. At the heart of these questions is a conversation about what sort of economic development is best for the village.

  • Willis O’Connor memorial

    The friends and relatives of Willis O’Connor are invited to attend a memorial service for him on Saturday, Oct. 24, at 3 p.m. in Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus.

  • Robert Siegel

    Robert Siegel, 85 of Southern Shores, N.C., and Pleasantville, N.Y., died at home in Southern Shores on September 17, from complications of polycythemia vera. Bob Siegel began attending Antioch in 1942. His time there was interrupted by his service in WWII as an ensign in the Pacific. He originally intended to major in architecture but […]

  • Take a tour of the village greens

    Can a home be built to absorb enough of the sun’s heat so that it requires no heat source — other than the presence of people and the heat they produce by inhabiting space and cooking? Can an old home be retrofitted or remodeled with the hopes of realizing the cost of investment through monthly energy savings? Does making more sustainable decisions about energy use have to mean being less comfortable?

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