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Retiring Yellow Springs principal John Gudgel at a reception held in his honor.

Retiring Yellow Springs principal John Gudgel at a reception held in his honor.

Farewell to Gudgel

Departing Yellow Springs High School Principal John Gudgel greeted a steady stream of current and former students, parents, teachers, colleagues and friends at a farewell reception on Sunday at the Glen Helen building.

Gudgel spent 30 years in the school district as a teacher, guidance counselor and principal, a position he held for the last 15 years.

“Immaculate, compassionate and pragmatic are the three words I can think of to describe John Gudgel,” said Aaron Zaremsky, a 2006 graduate of Yellow Springs High School.

Former Yellow Springs teacher Pam Conine, who began working with Gudgel in 1979, said that students were always at the heart of his decisions.

“Through thick and thin, John remains one of the most student-centered educators and administrators that I’ve ever known,” she said.

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2 Responses to “Farewell to Gudgel”

  1. Brandon Zappin says:

    Hey John, Welcome to the club and congrats! See you on the back 9.

  2. Yvonne Wingard says:

    Sorry I couldn’t be there, Gudge…as usual, I had a concert. Have a SUPER retirement, but I know you won’t REALLY retire!

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