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  • Web feedback both ways

    We’ve received feedback about our new Web site since our launch in April 2010, of course. Many of you regularly log on to see what’s new.

  • Tell me how your garden grows

    The steering committee for the local neighborhood gardens met to discuss the future of the project last Friday.

  • Vindicated local grad Shirley Sherrod pioneered land trusts adopted here

    Shirley Miller Sherrod graduated from the institution now known as Antioch University Midwest in 1989 (Photo courtesy of Rural Development Leadership Network).

    Before rural farming and land trust crusader Shirley Miller Sherrod was thrust into the national spotlight when she was forced to resign this week from her position at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), she studied at Antioch University Midwest in Yellow Springs.

  • Food Pantry feeds local families in need

    Patty McAllister fills the food pantry in the basement of the Yellow Springs Methodist Church with food donated locally. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    In troubled economic times, the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry continues to offer free food and household goods to local families.

  • A Carnival filled with Bliss

    Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the Yellow Springs News; please contact us via e-mail at or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • Council pursues levy renewal

    Continuing a discussion they had last month about the Village property tax levy, Village Council members at their meeting Monday, July 19, voiced a general preference to renew the five-year levy at its current rate.

  • College honors Freedom Summer

    Reflecting the historic Antioch College emphasis on social justice, the revived Antioch College is sponsoring a series of events this summer focusing on the civil rights movement, especially Freedom Summer in 1964.

  • Looking at Yellow Springs through our elders’ eyes

    In 1999 local filmmaker Patti Dallas produced “A Portrait of Yellow Springs Through the Eyes of Our Elders,” a documentary for which she interviewed 17 individuals aged 75 and older. The elders spoke to themes such as the village’s early history, local resources such as Glen Helen and Antioch College, and the landmarks of Yellow Springs.

  • Village commissions serve community

    Dedicated local volunteers who serve on Village commissions do much of the work to preserve and enhance the community. With vacancies on three key commissions, others have the opportunity to step up.

  • YS Kids Playhouse ‘Oceans’ moves to the power of dreams

    At a YS Kids Playhouse rehearsal last week in the Presbyterian Church, the cast members of the newest show, Oceans of Notions (Lakes of Mistakes), were laughing hysterically as they ran through the passageways of Westminster Hall.

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