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  • Most incumbents to run again

    Long-time Mayor Dave Foubert, unopposed in his last three election runs, will face a candidate this fall who wants to transform Yellow Springs from its “old hippie image” by promoting the village’s innovative, green and community-centered ways of living.

  • New Saturday market opens

    Yellow Springs may not welcome residential sprawl, but outdoor market sprawl of the kind two Union School House tenants started this summer may be a welcome addition to the Saturday shopping shuffle in the village.

  • Village, Creative Memories, eHDS close to an agreement

    E-Health Data Solutions continues talks with Creative Memories and the Village of Yellow Springs in e-Health’s search for an office space to house its growing operations.

  • Marcus Harding

    Marcus “Markie” Harding Sr. of Cedarville, died at home on Sunday, July 10, after a brief illness. He was 56. Markie was born on Jan. 24, 1955 to Howard and Frances Harding. Markie retired from Vernay Laboratories after 28 years of service and most recently worked at Wilberforce University. Markie loved the outdoors, especially mushroom […]

  • WYSO back on the air

    Public radio station WYSO 91.30 went off the air after being struck by lightning on Monday. It returned to the air on Wednesday evening.

  • Caterpillars

    Today’s wildlife is a caterpillar.

  • ITT to acquire YSI Incorporated

    On July 11 YSI Incorporated and ITT Corporation of White Plains, N.Y., announced that ITT will acquire the Yellow Springs company. YSI Incorporated facilities will remain in Yellow Springs, according to a YSI spokesperson.

  • Poetry in Yellow Springs

    The third event in the new Yellow Springs Reading Series was held Saturday, July 9 at the YSAC Gallery.

  • Yellow Springs shines for YS Experience

    Next weekend, July 15-17, the Yellow Springs Experience will offer music, art, dance, theater, nature and the healing arts, among other activities, for the event-packed Yellow Springs Experience.

  • Jazz, entertainment and a little rabble rousing at the ‘Cotton Club’

    Guests are welcome to kick back and loosen their ties and their pocketbooks as YS Kids Playhouse takes them into the New York jazz scene of the 1920s Cotton Club.

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