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  • Tiny heads home

    Tiny the juvenile turkey vulture headed back to the Raptor Center on Tuesday after spending a week downtown with the locals.

    Tiny, the juvenile turkey vulture who hung out downtown last week and this, has returned to his previous home at the Raptor Center.

  • Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, October 3, 2012, 7 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Technical Review Committee, Council Meeting, Library Commission, Human Relations Committee

  • Discolored Water Alert

    Monday–Friday, October 10–14

  • New group backs progressive issues

    Yellow Springs may be a hotbed for progressive ideas, but coordinated action to advance a progressive agenda in state and federal politics is lacking here, according to organizers of a new group in town.

  • Quartet Kicks off CMYS

    The Chamber Music Yellow Springs season opens Sunday, Oct. 2, with a return visit by the renowned Brentano String Quartet.

  • Barr project receives its first approval

    A controversial land use issue packed the house at Village Council’s Sept. 19 meeting, with about 60 villagers attending as Council gave initial approval to the proposal to build affordable apartments for seniors on the Barr property downtown.

  • ODH fines Friends Care for assault

    Friends Care Community was investigated by the Ohio Department of Health, the center’s licensing body, whose regulators recommended the care center be fined $56,000 due to “conditions of jeopardy” that existed at the center.

  • Sept. 29, 2011 Bulldog sports round-up

    Sept. 29, 2011 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Anna George

    Anna George

    Anna (Betty) Marie George died Sept. 14 in Springfield. She was 89.

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