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  • Mitchell Stamm memorial

    A celebration of the life of Mitchell Bruce Stamm will be held Sunday, Oct. 15, 1–3:30 p.m. at Rockford Chapel.

  • Douglas Abner memorial

    A memorial service for Douglas M. Abner of Yellow Springs will be held at the Lower Shelter House in John Bryan State Park on Sunday, Oct. 9.

  • Class of 2015 to arrive at Antioch

    Zeb Reichert and Megan Miller, shown here at McGregor Hall, are Yellow Springs community members who are among the group of 35 Antioch College students arriving on campus this Saturday, Sept. 24. On Sunday the students begin a two-day community-building workshop at the Outdoor Education Center in Glen Helen, along with college faculty and some staff. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Antioch’s first class will arrive on campus this Saturday, Sept. 24. Their arrival, from across the country as well as near Yellow Springs, is the culmination of two years of planning and preparation by the college

  • Jack McIlhargey

    Jack McIlhargey

    John F. “Jack” McIlhargey of Waterville, Ohio died Monday, Sept. 26, at Heartland of Waterville Nursing Home where he had lived the past few months. He was 67.

  • Students lead students to solve issues their way

    Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School students engaged in an all-day workshop Tuesday on how to resolve some of the issues they find problematic at their school.

  • Tour of a Tiny House

    When Ellen Dawson-Witt wanted to live a more sustainable life, she didn’t take half-measures — she downsized to a house the size of a shed. Now she’s offering a sustainability course out of her tiny house starting Tuesday, Oct. 1.

  • Tecumseh Land Trust to auction coveted surprises

    Use this weekend’s Tecumseh Land Trust auction to learn some Zumba, eat a gourmet meal, or get some weeding done.

  • Ohio farm group to host fracking webinar

    The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association will host an educational webinar on the controversial subject of high-volume hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 6 p.m. The internet broadcast, entitled “Fracking and Farmland: What Farmers and Landowers Need to Know About the Risks to Air, Water and Land,” will provide […]

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Cross country runners lead the pack

    Last week the YSHS and McKinney School cross country teams ran against tough competition at Eaton.

  • VIDEO — A Sport Fishing USA home studio session

    Village Vibes

    In an earlier edition of Village Vibes, I reviewed the band Sport Fishing USA. See videos of the local rock trio performing “Eleanor,” “Snakes Will Be Snakes,” and “Anybody Else.”

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