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  • SPORTS SUNDAY — McKinney boys match up well with D1 team

    In its season opener, the McKinney eighth-grade basketball team looked to get revenge this week against visiting Division I team Carroll. See more photos and sports updates here.

  • BLOG-Two potlucks in two days


    Gravy is at once practical and sublime. Preparing gravy cleans the pan and distills the luxurious essence of food. Eating local foods is much the same. Gather produce close to hand, and you will reap incredible flavor and nutrients.

  • Strong Heart Press offers holiday workshop

    Local artist and printmaker Sarah Strong is offering holiday-themed workshops at her Strong Heart Press & Studio, 143 1/2 E. Limestone Street. Workshop participants will create pocket journals on Friday, Dec. 9, and ornaments on Saturday, Dec. 10, both at 9:30 a.m. to noon. For information, contact Strong at 317-525-1785. The studio is also open for holiday shopping Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., through Dec. 19.

    Artist and printmaker Sarah Strong of the Strong Heart Press & Studio is offering several holiday-themed workshops at her studio, located at 143 1/2 E. Limestone Street, Yellow Springs. On Friday, Dec. 9, from 9:30 to noon, participants will create pocket journals and on Saturday, Dec. 10, 9:30 a.m. to noon, they will create ornaments. The studio is also open for holiday shopping Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Dec. 19. For information, contact Strong at 317-525-1785.

  • Planning Commission Meeting


  • Public Meetings

    Environmental Commission, Energy Board, Community Access Panel

  • An Ordinance Adopting a New Standard Fire Code

    ORDINANCE NO. 2011-30

  • One family’s path to the village

    Randi and Joel Levinson, shown with their son, Mortimer, moved to the village from Los Angeles, after discovering Yellow Springs on a visit. Randi is a family therapist and Joel wins online video comedy contests. (Photo by Sehvilla Mann)

    When Joel and Randi Levinson came from Los Angeles for a visit to Yellow Springs, they felt this was just the place for them and their toddler son, Mortimer

  • Goals to set 2012 priorities

    At their Nov. 21 meeting, Village Council members held an initial discussion regarding Council’s principles and goals for 2012, a topic generally addressed prior to approving the budget as a way to set Council priorities.

  • Bowling ball jewelry knocks ’em down

    New village resident Matt Cole makes jewelry from bowling balls, and sells his work at craft fairs. He and his family moved here recently from Bali. (Photo by Sehvilla Mann)

    Bowing balls distinguish themselves with bright, eye-catching patterns. Some may even find them reminiscent of semi-precious stones. Yet who takes this observation to the next logical step?

  • Linda Simms

    Linda Simms

    Linda Lee Simms of Yellow Springs died Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011. She was 64.

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