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  • Antioch organizes Occupy teach-in

    Antioch College faculty and students organized a teach-in on the Occupy Movement last week. See more photos from the event.

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — Edwards has career game in Bulldogs’ first win

    In its first week of action, the Yellow Springs High School boys basketball team won its season opener with a career game from Cole Edwards and played hard in a scrimmage with a Division I school. See photos from the scrimmage.

  • Bowling balls inspire local jewelry

    Villager Matt Cole creates original jewelry from the outer shell of bowling balls. His designs can be found online at

  • Modern Salvage for vintage home furnishings

    What Valorie Claggett finds at garage sales, estate sales and thrift stores are not high-priced antiques but rather useful and affordable items for everyday life that happen to have that retro style. Read more about her new store.

  • Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, March 01, 2012, 7:00 p.m.

  • Board Of Education

    Special Meeting, Thursday, March 8 at 6 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Human Relations Committee, Council Meeting, Library Commission, Environmental Commission

  • Managing the Village water

    The blackened, crumbly bolts that hold together the 16-inch distribution main in the pump room of the Village water treatment plant tell the whole story. The Village water plant is old and challenged.

  • Occupy sparks local dialogue

    Village resident Eric Wolf, right, organized an Occupy protest in Yellow Springs last Friday in front of US Bank on Xenia Avenue to criticize the bank’s practices. Bill Houston, left, was one of the 34 local people who raised their voice with Wolf to draw attention to wealth disparity and economic injustice in the U.S. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Money, like religion, politics, and sex, is a sensitive topic of public conversation. But as Occupy Wall Street protesters lambast commercial banks, the decision of where to bank has become increasingly public.

  • Everyday heroes star in comic

    Local artist Michael Fleishman is featuring a new comic book about three Greene County war veterans at the Arts Council gallery this month. (Submitted photo)

    If leaping tall buildings in a single bound is all it takes to become as a superhero, then the three Greene County veterans that appear in Michael Fleishman’s most recent comic book “The Liars’ Club” surely qualify. Earl Ellis, Charlie Bath and Jack Newhouse became the heroes they read about as kids after serving their […]

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