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  • Antioch flooded with applications

    Since news of Antioch College’s decision to extend its full tuition scholarships to the next three incoming classes went viral on Friday, Antioch has been deluged with inquires and applications.

  • Martin Murie

    Martin Murie, former Yellow Springs resident and Antioch College faculty member, died Jan. 28 after a brief illness. He was 86.

  • Shane West

    Shane West, 56, Fairborn, died along the bike path near the Women’s Park on Sunday morning, Jan. 29.

  • CMYS to host guitar quartet

    The Minneapolis Guitar Quartet will perform on Sunday, Feb. 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church as the third concert of the Chamber Music Yellow Springs season.

  • SPORTS SUNDAY — For boys basketball, revenge is sweet

    The YSHS boys basketball team regained some pride last night as they cruised to a 64–59 victory over visiting Middletown Christian just two weeks after falling to them in a devastating overtime loss.

  • BLOG-Seeking shelter and shared wisdom

    Learn the old ways of the root cellar and enter your best winter root recipe in the upcoming Sustainable Living Workshop at the Yellow Spring United Methodist Church on February 11. I’ll be there to test your recipes, and the winner receives a gift certificate from New Liberty Farms.

  • Yellow Springs history in spotlight

    Robin Heise, a graduate student in public history at Wright State, will give a talk this Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Senior Center on her research on local historical buildings.

  • Board Of Education Work Session

    Agenda for Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 2 p.m.

  • Jan. 26, 2012 Bulldog sports round-up

    Maryah Martin drove around a Greenon defender for an easy layup in the team’s 47–22 loss to the Division II team. Earlier in the week Martin, the Bulldogs’ leading scorer, shot for 24 points against Middletown High School. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Jan. 26, 2012 Bulldog sports round-up.

  • Public Meetings

    Environmental Commission, Human Relations Committee

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