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  • Jan. 5, 2012 Bulldog sports round-up

    The Yellow Springs High School classes of 2009–11 won the Yellow Springs alumni basketball tournament over last month’s holiday break. The team included, from left, standing, Raphael Allen, Kevin Sikes-Gilbert, Matt Rowe, Ryan Phillips, Tyler Fox, Isaac Haller, and Devone Freeman; and sitting, SJ Scott, Ryan Newsome, Kody McDonald and Ian Wimberly. Tournament accolades also went to from left, three-point champ Ryan Newsome, hot-shot champ Brad Benning, and high scorer Cary Cordell. (Submitted photo)

    Jan. 5, 2012 Bulldog sports round-up

  • Entrepreneurs get busy on the perfect brew

    After years of dreaming, planning and home brewing, Shane and Jacqui Creepingbear are launching their long-awaited Vitruvian Brewing Company. The couple began moving into the MillWorks space formerly occupied by Nonstop Liberal Arts Institute on Jan. 1, and will spend the first two months remodeling for beer production. They expect to have their first brew […]

  • Sixth annual GHA members art show coming

    Glen Helen Association members are invited to include their work in the sixth annual members show, which will run Jan. 7-Feb. 28.

  • BLOG-Chef to the Homesick Traveler

    Potpie from the Home Sick Chef

    When traveling, do make a habit of asking the natives where to eat. Sometimes, however, your best advice comes from an expatriate.

  • Year in review 2012: Village leadership changes

    Year in review 2012: Village leadership changes

  • Special Council Meeting

    Holding an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the employment of a Public Official. This meeting is closed to the public. January 5, 2012 at 2 p.m.

  • Village rings in 2012

    See photos from the annual ball drop.

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