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  • Public Meetings

    Environmental Commission, Energy Board, Economic Sustainability Commission

  • Hugh Livingston

    Hugh Taylor Birch Livingston passed away peacefully at his home in Yellow Springs on Feb. 14. He was 71 years old.

  • Artist Linda Stein at Antioch College — Sparking new thinking on gender

    New York City artist Linda Stein will speak on gender fluidity and new female heroes at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 22, at McGregor Room 113 on the Antioch College campus. Stein’s sculptures, which include torsos that question the notions of male and female stereotypes, are on display at Sinclair College this month. (submitted photocollage)

    sculptor and performance artist Linda Stein comes to Antioch College on Wednesday, Feb. 22, at 8 speak on “Salander/Blomkvist: Challenging stereotypes in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo — and beyond.” The talk will take place in McGregor Hall Room 113 on the college campus.

  • Board Of Education

    Special Meeting, Thursday, March 1

  • Gardner memorial held

    A memorial service for Lucille Gardner will be held Saturday, March 3 at 1 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.

  • Johannes Quartet in YS

    The Johannes String Quartet will perform as part of the Chamber Music Yellow Springs series on Sunday, Feb. 26, at 7:30 at the First Presbyterian Church. The group will play quartets by Mozart, Schumann and Respighi. (submitted photo)

    Chamber Music Yellow Springs will present the Johannes String Quartet at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 26 at the First Presbyterian Church, playing Mozart’s Quartet in E-flat K.428, Schumann’s Quartet Op.41 No.1, and Ottorino Respighi’s Quartet in D Major from 1904.

  • WYSO gets Localore grant

    When a grant for public radio stations to collaborate with independent media producers came across WYSO general manager Neenah Ellis’ desk, she saw that it would be a perfect opportunity to work with local award-winning documentarians Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar.

  • Show goes on for One-Acts

    The Yellow Springs High School One-Acts, featuring student-written and student-directed plays, will be held at 8 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 17, at the Mills Lawn auditorium. This year’s playwrights of original one-acts are, from left, Lois Miller, Colton Pitstick and Rory Papania. This year, the plays will be supplemented with a variety show. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    It’s a Friday night in Yellow Springs and a group of high school kids are looking for things to do. The typical, albeit caricatured, teenage banter is captured in a one-act play written by YSHS students Rory Papania and Lois Miller and will be performed at this year’s annual staging of student-written, student-directed pieces.

  • Service in Indiana for Don Wallis

    A memorial service for Don Wallis will be held in Madison, Ind, on Saturday, Feb. 25

  • School as wireless provider?

    The Yellow Springs school district, in partnership with other local agencies, could potentially become a wireless Internet provider for the entire village.

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