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  • 2012 Senior Supplement is out

    The 2012 Senior Supplement is available in the May 31 print edition of the News.

    What are the Seniors saying this year? Do you know who said what?

  • Ray Olds memorial set

    Friends of Ray Olds are invited to share memories of him at a memorial gathering on Sunday, June 10, 2:30 p.m. at Rockford Chapel.

  • Mary Lou Mooney

    Mary Lou Mooney, a former resident of Philadelphia and Mount Carmel, Pa., died Thursday, May 17 at the Mount Carmel Senior Living Community. She was 82.

  • Gerard Stello

    Gerald Stello

    Gerard Stello died peacefully on Wednesday, May 23 at Hospice of Dayton. He was 69.

  • May 31, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    YSHS junior Angela Allen launched the discus 10 feet further than she did at regionals last year, but still came up short of qualifying for the Division III state finals. Allen’s best toss of 102’11” earned her ninth place at regionals. Visit for more photos from the meet. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    May 31, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • YSHS athlete jumps up to state

    Last weekend Antone Truss became the first YSHS high jumper to qualify for the Ohio High School Division III Track & Field Championships in more than 25 years. The senior seemingly defied gravity during the regional meet as he cleared 6’2’’ to secure his position at states and then conquered heights up to 6’6’’ to finish as the regional runner-up. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    High jumper Antone Truss once again raised the bar by becoming the first Bulldog high jumper to qualify for the state meet in more than 25 years.

  • New holiday arts event this year

    When Glen Helen announced last fall that it would discontinue its Nature Arts and Crafts Show, plans were made for a new collaborative show.

  • Arts community, arts policy

    Village Council members and local artists and arts supporters this week began a dialogue on the arts and a potential Village government arts policy at Council’s regular May 21 meeting.

  • Karen Wintrow honored— A local and regional thinker

    Village Council member Karen Wintrow received the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission’s annual Regional Stewardship Award last month. An MVRPC board and committee member, Wintrow received the award because of her efforts to improve the Dayton region and because she’s a “regional thinker.” (Submitted photo)

    When Karen Wintrow isn’t thinking about Yellow Springs, she’s thinking about the Dayton region. For that work, Wintrow received the group’s annual Regional Stewardship Award last month.

  • School board business— More interdisciplinary options coming soon

    At the Yellow Springs school board May 17 meeting, School District Superintendent Mario Basora announced that shifts in staffing at the YSHS/McKinney Middle School next year will allow for more advanced placement and interdisciplinary opportunities.

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