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  • College accepts class of 2016

    This week Dean of Admissions Cezar Mesquita sealed the deposits of 69 students who have committed to becoming the second class of Antioch College students since the school reopened in 2009.

  • Task force targets drugs

    Last year two drug-related arrests in a single incident were made in Yellow Springs by the ACE Task Force, the Greene County agency that fights drug-related crimes at a multijurisdictional level.

  • Rita Colbert

    Rita Colbert

    Rita Colbert, resident of Yellow Springs since 1950, died on May 6 at the age of 85 in Milwaukee, Wis.

  • Harriet Moran

    Harriet Moran of Fairborn died peacefully, surrounded by her family on Friday, May 11. She was 89.

  • A tale of two waters

    Soon, Council will choose between upgrading its aging water plant or purchasing water from Springfield. It seems timely, then, to compare various aspects of Yellow Springs and Springfield water.

  • Richard Kershner

    Richard F. Kershner died Tuesday, May 8. He was 87.

  • New book’s paths toward peace

    Fred Arment and his new book The Elements of Peace (Photo by Sehvilla Mann)

    Forgiveness. Attentiveness. Dissent. These might seem like disparate themes, but to Fred Arment they all have one thing in common: they are among the “virtues” that guide the work of advocates for nonviolence.

  • No-coal choice saved money

    The Village’s decision five years ago against investing in a 1,600-megawatt coal-fired power plant in Illinois may have spared its electric customers from decades of high utility bills.

  • Financing for solar farm is delayed

    Financing for a Village solar farm is taking longer than expected, raising uncertainty about when, or whether, the local project will be built.

  • Jimmy McKee

    James L. McKee

    James Louis “Jimmy” McKee, the son of late longtime Yellow Springs Police Chief Jim McKee, died Monday, May 7. He was 58.

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