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  • DeWine speaks at YSHS

    Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine told Yellow Springs High School students to be independent thinkers at an assembly on Wednesday. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine returned Wednesday to his alma mater, Yellow Springs High School, and shared with students his opinions with students on gay marriage, abortion, gun control, political polarization and President Obama.

  • Request for Proposals:

    The Area Agency on Aging, PSA 2

  • 2012 Supplemental Appropriation and Declaring and Emergency

    Ordinance #2012-13

  • Borer likely dooms ash trees

    Nick Boutis, director of Glen Helen, last week identified some of the ash trees downtown, including this large ash outside the Jackson Lytle and Lewis Funeral Home on Xenia Avenue. The trees are at risk from the Emerald Ash Borer, and experts believe that if the insects ­ — which have killed millions of trees in Michigan and Ohio — aren’t already in the village, they will be soon. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Many majestic canopy trees around the village are ash trees. And if they’re not already infested with the Emerald Ash Borer beetle, they will be soon. Within a few years, they’ll be dead.

  • School board names likely tax hike

    Last week the Yellow Springs school board favored a 7.5-mill levy for the November 2012 ballot to bring in new money to the district and offset several years of deficit spending.

  • May 24, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round Up

    May 24, 2012 Bulldog Sports Round Up

  • Phyllis Walker

    Phyllis Walker

    Phyllis Marie Beckford Walker died Friday, May 18 in her home in Yellow Springs. She was 86.

  • The great unveiling at Mills Lawn School

    Mills Lawn School artist-in-residence Johanna Smith and art teacher Amy Minehart unveil the new mosaic sign in front of students and faculty Wednesday. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    The air was filled with anticipation, the lawn filled with students Wednesday afternoon, May 23, as Mills Lawn School emptied for the ceremonial unveiling of the new school sign.

  • Villagers weigh in on their water

    Ask villagers about their experience with Yellow Springs water and the stories will flow.

  • High school honors high achievers

    Erika Chick was named the valedictorian and Savita Bathija the salutatorian of their YSHS class of 2012. They will speak at graduation at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 31, at the high school. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Yellow Springs High School recognized a number of graduating students at the school’s annual scholarship awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 16.

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