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The nude paintings in the Women's Voices Out Loud art exhibit stirred controversy earlier this spring. A community forum on local arts policy in Village buildings will take place this Monday, May 21, at 7 p.m. during the regular Village Council meeting.

Public arts forum coming

All interested villagers are invited to attend a community forum on local arts and art policy on Monday, May 21, at 7 p.m., during the regularly scheduled Village Council meeting.

The forum segment of the Council meeting will contain some short presentations of various aspects of local art, including a presentation by Jerome Borchers, the president of the Yellow Springs Arts Council Board of Trustees, who will give an overview of the history of the arts in the village. There will be time for questions and comments from villagers.

The forum was sparked by a controversy earlier this spring over local arts policy, during which several Village employees felt uncomfortable with the Women’s Voices Out Loud art exhibit that hung in the second floor hallway of the Village building, which contained several paintings of nudes. While none of the paintings were removed during the show, the event became controversial. Soon after, Village Council members discussed the need for community input regarding a potential arts policy for Village buildings.


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