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  • BLOG-While A Mighty Wind Did Blow

    Earlier this month, we made big plans for this weekend. But what is that saying…”Man plans. God laughs.” Certainly nature had a good chuckle conspiring against us.

  • Open burn ban instituted

    Due to the current dry conditions in the area, a ban on open burning has been issued throughout Miami Township effective today, June 28, through Sunday, July 1. Open burning of field, yard, forest and other agricultural waste is hereby prohibited. This ban includes brush piles, bonfires, fire pits, chimineas and campfires. In addition, extreme […]

  • Show your Pride this weekend

    Yellow Springs Pride will hold its first annual gay pride weekend this Saturday and Sunday.

  • WYSO weekend

    Local public radio station WYSO showed off its new studios and celebrated its power increase to 50,000 watts last Sunday, June 24 with an all-day open house.

  • Glen Helen kicks off series on environment— Thinking many generations ahead

    CarolCarolyn Raffensperger, here speaking at a TED event in Maui, Hawaii, will lecture on Friday at 7 p.m. in the Glen Helen Auditorium on the precautionary principle as a way to stem the environmental pollution that threatens the lives of future generations. (Submitted photo)yn Raffensperger`

    Not only does U.S. law not protect Americans seven generations from now, it allows the continued creation of environmental toxins that will be hazardous to those in the ten-thousandth generation, according to environmental lawyer Carolyn Raffensperger.

  • Mix of big dreams, hard reality

    Last Saturday morning Karl McCartney of Thomas & Marker Construction, left, and Antioch College Vice President for Advancement Steve Sturman, right, led alumni, including Ron Winger, ‘64, of San Diego, on tours of the ongoing renovation of North Hall. The dormitory, constructed in 1852, is being renovated to achieve the LEEDS gold certification for environmental responsibility, and when completed, will be the oldest building in the country with that distinction. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    To succeed with the revival of Antioch College, its leaders, alumni and community members must create a new culture grounded in “ownership, fearlessness and love,” President Mark Roosevelt told college alumni Saturday night.

  • Stello memorial held

    A memorial service for Gerard Stello will be held Saturday, July 7 at 1 p.m. in the Glen Helen Building.

  • Schools consider local food

    A new Wellness Committee hopes to secure a grant to support a “farm to school” operation to get locally sourced fresh fruits and vegetables onto the trays of students at both the village’s elementary and secondary schools.

  • The continuing delight of t-ball

    The colorful mosaic that is the Perry League continues to startle, astound and delight.

  • Sean Dehan

    Sean Daniel Dehan died Saturday, June 23, at Hospice of Dayton. He was 35.

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