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  • No such thing as a typical day

    At the “Antioch Today” panel at this weekend’s Antioch College alumni reunion, students, staff and faculty reflected on the trials and triumphs of college life in the middle of the revived school’s first academic year. From left, are Assistant Professor of Philosophy Lewis Trelawny-Cassity, student Maya Lundgren, Resident Life Manager Randle Charles and student Guy Matthews. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At last weekend’s Antioch College reunion, students, staff and faculty painted a picture of current college life for Antiochians past.

  • 2012 Cost of Living update—The village by the numbers

    The 2012 Yellow Springs Cost of Living Report was completed this spring by Wright State University’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs (CUPA) and paid for by the James A. McKee Association.

  • Mary E. Morgan

    Mary E. Morgan

    A brief obituary for Mary E. Morgan in last week’s News contended that her influence for good in the community was far from over.

  • Roma to lead three choirs in Cincinnati songfest

    Villager Cathy Roma will direct three choral ensembles in the upcoming 2012 World Choir Games, to take place in Cincinnati July 4–14.

  • Emergency Reading

    Public Hearing

  • Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, July 2, 2012, 7:00 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs Public Meetings

  • Fracking forum to push for YS ban

    West Bay Exploration, a Michigan oil and gas company, had received a permit from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to drill an exploratory oil well on a Miami Township property. Shown is a temporary drilling rig in southern Michigan, which is somewhat larger than what would be used in this area. (Submitted photo by West Bay Exploration)

    Environmental experts will share ways Yellow Springs can avoid contamination from oil and gas drilling and fracking waste wells at a forum on Saturday.

  • BLOG – Village Felines

    (photos by Suzanne Ehalt)

    Some of our 4-legged friends from around town.

  • BLOG-Hot and Cold

    There is something instantly gratifying and refreshing about soup. At least that is what I found in the heat of our first full day of summer.

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