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  • Drought affects crops, lawns

    The soybeans at Craig Corry’s Miami Township farm only reach to his knees, when they should be nearly waist high at this point in the season. The moderate drought in the Dayton area has stunted the growth of area soybeans and corn, threatening to cut into yields. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The hot and dry weather this summer has no doubt stressed local homeowners whose lawns have turned brown from lack of rain. But even more stressed are area crops.

  • Timeline for zoning revision

    At the July 16 Village Council meeting, Council member Lori Askeland announced an upcoming process to introduce villagers to proposed changes in the Village zoning code.

  • Choice of replacement trees complex

    “The right tree for the right location” is a phrase oft repeated by arborists dispensing long-term landscaping advice. It was used several times last week by those focused on deciding how to replace the trees that line the downtown.

  • Quirky tales of village history

    The Octagon House on Whiteman Street was one of several historical buildings highlighted on last Sunday’s walking tour, led by local historian Robin Heise, at right. About 25 people took part, including villagers Zo Meister, second from right, and Linda Rudawski, second from left. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Some of the colorful people and places of Yellow Springs history came alive last Sunday, during a walking tour of the village led by local historian Robin Heise.

  • T-ball winds down this Friday

    At the beginning of the evening, Edwin Harrah, 2, is running with us from right field, where we do our warm-up exercises, back onto the diamond. Well, not running exactly. Edwin’s 2. He’s a toddler. And toddlers toddle.

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