Scott Sanders at Antiochiana.
- Published: November 20, 2012
According to the Antioch College website: Antiochiana began simply as a collection of historical artifacts gathered by college librarian Bessie Totten, class of 1900, who served the college for 41 years. It’s currently managed by archivist Scott Sanders, who, while not an Antioch graduate, has been an expert on everything Antiochian since he began his position as archivist in 1994. The collection includes the papers of former Antioch presidents Horace Mann and Arthur Morgan, in addition to many documents that cover important social topics such as slavery and women’s rights.
I may be biased because of my personal interest in history, but I think one of the greatest privileges a human being can have is the freedom to access the past and learn about the people and events that have contributed to shaping the world we live in today. I’ve always enjoyed the experience of letting my mind drift back hundreds of years to try to imagine what life was like in another time (I tend to daydream a lot). If I’m lucky, it gives me a much healthier perspective of my life today and the things I have that I should be grateful for.
Happily, the Antioch archives are free and open to the public as long as you make arrangements in advance. If you just have a general interest in history and would like to browse the archive material, or need to do some serious research for professional work, feel free to contact Scott Sanders via email ssanders@antiochcollege.org or phone: 937-286-5534.
I would like to add a special thank you to Mr. Sanders for giving me a tour of the archives, and for making this post possible.
Update: I forgot to thank Travis Hotaling for originally suggesting an idea that, while I was unable to specifically pursue, eventually led me to this topic.
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