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Herbalist and iridologist Eric Rodriguez opened a new healing practice in town, the Culpeper House, this month. Rodriguez  identifies health issues by a looking at a client’s iris and prepares them specially-forumlated herbal tinctures. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

Herbalist and iridologist Eric Rodriguez opened a new healing practice in town, the Culpeper House, this month. Rodriguez identifies health issues by a looking at a client’s iris and prepares personalized herbal tinctures. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

Herbalist to speak at library

Local herbalist and iridologist Eric Rodriguez will give a free talk on natural approaches to winter health on Thursday, Dec. 20, at 6 p.m. in the meeting room at the Yellow Springs Public Library.

Rodriguez recently moved his holistic health practice from Vandalia to Yellow Springs. From his new office at 716 Xenia Avenue, Rodriguez analyzes his client’s eyes and dispenses herbal remedies to help them stay well and avoid disease. At what he calls the Culpeper House, Rodriguez offers services from iris assessments to personalized herbal tinctures. Appointments are available starting in January.

Rodriguez blends his own tinctures after learning about the health needs of clients. And he offers a new way to discover what ails people through iridology, which gives insight into one’s physical and psychological makeup on the principle that each part of the eye corresponds to a part of body.

“It’s a blueprint of what you’ve done in your life until now,” Rodriguez explained of an iridology scan. “It’s like a credit score.”

Next in Rodriguez’ monthly lecture series, on Jan. 17, is natural detoxification for the New Year, featuring ways to cleanse and tonify the body.

Read more about Rodriguez in the Dec. 20 issue of the News.


5 Responses to “Herbalist to speak at library”

  1. Elena says:


  2. John Sturm says:

    Perhaps I should have made clear that I was referring to the actual article in the printed edition of the Yellow Springs news where Culpepper House was referenced repeatedly. Some mention of the fact that Iridology is not science would have been nice. Instead we have a picture of Rodriguez posing with lots of technical equipment giving the illusion of actual science.

  3. Eric Rodriguez says:

    Iridology, like Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Ayurveda and other forms of complimentary medicine have all been considered “pseudo medicine” since the advent of AMA. It seems as if noticing when ones health is off by looking at their bloodshot eyes, or the yellowing that occurs in the case of hepatic infection is just too “pseudo” to be scientific. In the case of herbal medicine, does the alkaloid called caffeine stimulate your central nervous system? Cause a bowel movement? And even urinary flow? Or how about Capsicum, the main constituent in Cayenne; does it make your nose run? Flush your skin red? Increase heat and sweating? And let’s not forget the liver-stimulating effect of olive oil, castor oil and buckthorn bark? Does it not cause a bowel movement? The fact is that the body DOES manifest many internal states of health in many ways, and like the many examples of “natural means” we use everyday – – there are hundreds of other naturally derived products that also have physiological effects on the body. The evidence is empirical, and has literally thousands of years of usage. Humans did not begin to get sick in the last 70 years. As far as being the “Newest Detoxificator”, the body is ALWAYS in detoxification. But when you assist the eliminatory organs in this process safely then this is what is known as Detoxification. There are many aspects in the CAM field that may or may not be effective or evidence based – – even by empirical standards. But it’s my job to help those choosing this route to do it safely and correctly. The evidence speaks for itself. And where I cannot speak for Ear Candling, as I have no experience with this process, I can verily speak of the physiological effect of phytotherapy as well as the overt signs the body exhibits during ill health. I DO want to thank Yellow Springs News for writing such a wonderful article and want to emphasize that this article is not an endorsement of our services, but merely a reporting of the services we provide. We see our move to Yellow Springs as a positive one and we look forward to being a part of the professional wellness community.

  4. Dan Plecha says:

    I disagree; Megan doesn’t even condescend to call it the Culpeper House, let alone endorse Yellow Springs’ newest detoxificator.
    It’s called giving us the news.

  5. John Sturm says:

    Iridology? Please. Iridology is psuedoscience. It would be nice for the YS News to present a more balanced case. What next, the benefits of ear candles???

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