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  • Michael Grinnell

    Michael L. Grinnell died Jan. 2 at the Hospice of Dayton. He was 62.

  • Trust

    Cold temperatures and more snow have kept Gaunt Park hill ready for sledders, and a steady stream of local kids and families have taken part. (Photos by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Cold temperatures and more snow have kept Gaunt Park hill ready for sledders, and a steady stream of local kids and families have taken part.

  • Council to vote on pay raise

    Village Council members at their Dec. 17 meeting continued a discussion on increasing the stipend for Council members. They will vote on the first reading of a pay raise ordinance at their Jan. 7 meeting.

  • Mills Lawn teacher to play civil rights icon

    Mills Lawn music teacher Jo Frannye Reichert plays the role of Rosa Parks in a production about the life of the civil rights icon at Mills Lawn this Saturday.

  • College global seminar projects go local— Students tackle town/gown health

    Students in Antioch College’s global health seminar presented their solutions to campus and community health problems at a public forum last month. One group started a college bicycle co-op and refurbished eight bikes to rent to students free-of-charge. From left are group members Jordan Berley, Emma Gilruth, Lucas Gottke and Katie Pitsenbarger, Antioch facilities manager Reggie Stratton and group member Elaine Bell. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A women’s support group, bicycle co-op and senior auditing program were a few of the ideas Antioch College students came up with to tackle campus and community health problems during last semester’s global seminar.

  • Yetta Meister

    Yetta Meister died at Friends Care Community on Sunday, Dec. 23. She was 90.

  • Servlet back in familiar hands

    The local Internet provider Servlet that was purchased last spring by a group of local investors was bought back earlier this month by former owner Bruce Cornett.

  • Mardi Gras FUNdraiser set for YSKP

    Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse will present a Mardi Gras fundraiser gala on Saturday, Jan. 9, at the Glen Helen building.

  • Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

    Board Of Zoning Appeals

  • Tree Pick-up

    Saturday, January 12, 2013

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