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  • New police officer resigns

    After nine months on the job, Yellow Springs police officer Jeff Kimpan resigned on Dec. 19 from his position with the force. His resignation was effective immediately.

  • Frankie Ritter Ruopp

    Frankie Ritter Ruopp, a former teacher and longtime volunteer in Yellow Springs community projects, died peacefully at her home in Tucson, Ariz. on Tuesday, Jan. She was 85.

  • Chief Pettiford— Building on what’s worked

    The family of new Yellow Springs Police Chief Anthony Pettiford, who began his job last month, has lived in Yellow Springs for generations. Pettiford, who brings 30 years experience to the job, is shown in his office at the Bryan Community Center. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    When Yellow Springs Police Chief Anthony Pettiford was growing up in the village, the town was a place where everyone seemed to know everyone else. The town felt very safe, and an important part of that safety was the presence of the local police.

  • Theodore Jackson

    Theodore Jackson

    Theodore Jackson of Yellow Springs died Tuesday, Jan. 8, at Friends Care Community. He was 87.

  • Oscar Peters

    Oscar Peters

    Oscar Peters of Yellow Springs died Jan. 6 after a short stay at the Hospice of Dayton. He was 94.

  • Sister Teresa Eileen Alexander

    Teresa Alexander

    Sister Teresa Eileen Alexander died peacefully on Jan. 1 at Maryknoll Sisters Residential Care IV. She was 86.

  • Civil rights icon comes to life in play

    What most people know about Rosa Parks begins and ends with what happened on a Montgomery, Ala., bus in December 1955, when Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. Few know that Parks was already a civil rights activist, that later in life she worked on the staff of a Michigan […]

  • Cool digs

    Cody Back, shown above, took advantage of the last two weeks of snow and cold to construct an igloo at his Robinwood Drive home. Helped by his parents, Scott Stolsenberg and Bettina Solas, Cody used recyling bins to mold the snow for the igloo, which features a lawn chair and lanterns inside. Warm temperatures in the next few days will test the igloo’s durability. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Cody Back took advantage of the last two weeks of snow and cold to construct an igloo at his Robinwood Drive home.

  • Glen host to variety of feathered friends in winter

    Glen Helen took part in the annual Christmas Bird Count over the Christmas holiday, and counters found that the frozen woods aren’t as quiet as they sometimes seem.

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

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