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  • January 24, 2013 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    January 24, 2013 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Village pulls through for Little Art

    The local community helped the Little Art Theatre to reach its fundraising goal of $475,000 to complete a total renovation of the facility. Little Art Director Jenny Cowperthwaite and capital campaign co-chair Dorothy Scott spelled out the good news on the marquee this week. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    This year’s Campaign to Renovate the Little Art Theatre reached its goal of $475,000 to bring the theater into the 21st century.

  • Joan Baker

    Betty Joan Baker died at Wright Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Fairborn on Jan. 22. She was 80.

  • Frankie Ritter Ruopp

    Frankie Ritter Ruopp died peacefully at her home in Tucson, Ariz., on Tuesday, Jan. 8. She was 85.

  • Fate of old clinic site still not known

    Since the Yellow Springs Family Health Center, operated by Wright State University Physicians, was abandoned and demolished three years ago, the land has been vacant.

  • Village Council— Funding for nonprofits considered

    How should Village Council respond to funding requests from local nonprofits? Council members held an initial discussion on the issue at their Jan. 7 meeting, although the topic was discussion only, with no action taken at this time.

  • Pining for a resistant strain

    Yellow Springs Tree Committee members Anna Bellisari and Robert Gage enjoyed a rare view of Dayton Street and beyond from the height of a bucket truck last week. They went to the upper stories of an unusually strong and resilient Austrian pine to get clippings they will use to reproduce and potentially commercialize. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Village resident Robert Gage doesn’t relish heights, but even hovering at 70 feet in the air last week, he appeared less concerned with the drop than with the fertility of the newest shoots he was clipping.

  • Kazuko Radtke

    Kazuko Kawano Radtke of Bellbrook died Monday, Jan. 21 at Southview Hospital. She was 80.

  • Donna Mathiasen

    Donna May (Fink) Fulton Mathiasen died Sunday, Jan. 13 in Yellow Springs. She was 86.

  • YS Credit Union names Sandy Hollenberg as president

    Sandra Hollenberg (submitted photo)

    Interim president and CEO of Yellow Springs Federal Credit Union Sandra Hollenberg was named permanent leader of the local lender.

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