  • New Village emergency contact system

    The Village will soon move to a new emergency contact system, Hyper-Reach.

  • John ‘Johnnyk’ Kilbourne

    Johnnyk, 51, passed away quietly on Feb. 25 in Yakima, Wash., surrounded by family and friends, after a short battle with melanoma cancer.

  • Energy group helps Village to conserve

    According to the 2012 annual report from the Yellow Springs Energy Board at Village Council’s Feb. 19 meeting, the Village will, in the next few years, receive the large majority of its electrical power from renewable sources.

  • WYSO’s ReInvention Stories— Dayton resilience, on air and web

    ReInvention Stories, a collaboration between WYSO public radio and local filmmakers Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar, uses video, radio and interactive online media to explore how Dayton is re-charging itself after years of economic collapse.

  • Women’s Voices — Some art in hall, some not

    What is the right balance between promoting free expression and protecting Village government from lawsuits if that expression offends? At their Feb. 19 meeting, Village Council members wrestled with that thorny issue as they determined the best way to display art during the upcoming Women’s Voices Out Loud exhibit.

  • Henry ‘Hank’ Cates

    Henry (Hank) Cates of Yellow Springs died peacefully at home on March 1. He was 71.

  • Laugh, grow with Antioch School

    The Antioch School’s scholarship fund got a big push last year when the school’s main fundraising event featured a comedian to liven things up. And the school aims to do the same thing this year for its annual Antioch School Silent Auction.

  • From cats to cows, answers on air

    For three years now, Brett Ellis has been hosting a call-in radio show on Joe Mullins’ radio station, WBZI. During his 15-minute segment on Thursdays, Brett “the Vet” answers people’s questions and concerns about their domestic animals, be they pets or livestock.

  • Ain’t Misbehavin’ this weekend­— Fleming directs jazz musical at CSU

    This weekend, Fleming, the director of YS Kids Playhouse, returns to his jazz roots when he directs Ain’t Misbehavin’ at Central State University. The production takes place this Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., and Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Robeson Auditorium. Tickets are $10 for general admission, $1 for students.

  • Wasp named for ‘lord of the flies’

    Entomologist John Stireman, who lives in the village and works at Wright State University, was honored in November by having a newly-identified wasp, the Ilatha Stiremani, named after him. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    In the 1979 science fiction horror film Alien, a parasitic extraterrestrial bursts out of an astronaut’s chest, killing him, in the film’s iconic scene. The lifecycle of parasitic insects is not much different, according to Wright State entomologist and Yellow Springs resident John Stireman.

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