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  • Enviroflight, college collaborate on project

    Antioch College and the local food sustainability business Enviroflight are poised to collaborate on a project that leaders believe will benefit both entities.

  • UPDATED: Yellow Springs schools, Children’s Center and others closed

    Decorative grass tips glow in the sunset against the snow. (Photo by Matt Minde

    The Yellow Springs Board of Education has closed village schools Tuesday, Jan. 27 due to extremely cold weather. All after-school events and sports are canceled as well.

  • BLOG – Sledding

    Today’s blog showcases sledding down Gaunt Park’s hill and enjoying the snow ramp!

  • Girls basketball wins at home

    YSHS girls basketball moved above .500 in the conference with a home win Friday night.

  • BLOG-Stand up

    We braved the wild week’s weather, and we didn’t miss a thing.

  • Martin Luther King Jr. march and celebration in Yellow Springs, 2014

    about 200 marchers participated in this year's march honoring Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Over 200 people participated in Yellow Springs’ annual Martin Luther King Jr. memorial march and subsequent celebration at the Central Chapel, AME this January 20.

  • Antioch College welcomes board of trustees this weekend

    The Antioch College Board of Trustees come to Yellow Springs this weekend, when the community is invited to several public events to hear about how the college is doing.

  • Yellow Springs schools once again on two-hour delay

    Snowball: the ultimate winter sport. Check with teachers and school officials fot the status of after school activities. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Yellow Springs schools are delayed by two hours Wednesday, Jan. 23, because of extremely cold temperatures.

  • Tim Rogers memorial


    An open house celebrating the life of Tim Rogers will be held at his home, instead of The Winds Cafe, on Sunday, Feb. 9, 4–7 p.m. Carpooling and walking are encouraged.

  • Ronald Charles Harris


    Ronald Charles Harris of Dayton, Ohio was taken from us unexpectedly on Wednesday, Jan. 8. He was 57. Ron was born to Albert and Ople (Davis) Harris on Dec. 22, 1956, the sixth of nine children. He was a mechanic by trade and former semi driver. He was an active baseball player and a competitive […]

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