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  • Yellow Springs author Deanna Newsom to read at Antioch College

    Yellow Springs author Deanna Newsom will read from her novel on Wednesday, March 12 at Antioch College as part of the Local Writer Series.

    In the second installment of its Local Writer Series, Antioch College will present Deanna Newsom on Wednesday, March 12, 7 p.m., in the Coretta Scott King Center on the college campus.

  • BLOG — One night of live music

    For a bumping live music scene, Sixth Street in Austin and the Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn had a competitor in downtown Yellow Springs on Saturday, March 1.

  • BLOG-The Sorcerer’s Stone

    This week my daughter and I finish J.K. Rowling’s first adventure book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and we drink in the excitement like an exotic Elixir of Life.

  • Women’s voices ring, out loud

    This year the 35th annual Women’s Voices Out Loud performance and art exhibit will take place at the Herndon Gallery at Antioch College, at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 8. Shown are co-organizer Laurie Dreamspinner, left, and Antioch’s Herndon Gallery Creative Director Dennie Eagleson. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The 35th annual Women’s Voices Out Loud performance will take place at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, at the Herndon Gallery in South Hall on the Antioch campus.

  • Unwanted advice rankles

    I would like to solicit your advice about unsolicited advice. My family is full of suggestions — from how to parent to how to run my business. I know they are well-intentioned, and there is the occasional nugget of wisdom, but it drives me crazy!

  • Native plant propagation workshop

    Bottle Brush Grass, native to the area is shown here propagating as a result of the last plant propagation workshop. (submitted photo by Kelly Quigley)

    Antioch College in collaboration with Glen Helen Outdoor Education Center is hosting two native plant propagation workshops.

  • Edna ‘Eddie’ Pitstick


    Edna “Eddie” Pitstick, of Yellow Springs, passed away peacefully on Saturday, March 1, at Friends Care Center. She was 85.

  • Glen Helen’s pancake breakfast returns

    The Glen Helen Annual Pancake Breakfast is back for its 37th inauguration. The event, last held here in 2011, takes place on Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. at the Outdoor Education Center. Participants are encouraged to park in the Corry Street lot and join one of the naturalist-led hikes to the OEC starting at Trailside Museum at 9:30 and 10:30 a.m., and coming back at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. (Submitted photo by Brooke Bryan)

    Who can resist the thought of eating a pile of fluffy golden pancakes seated next to friends and neighbors as the spring sun streams through the window at our homey Outdoor Education Center?

  • Village Council sets goals for 2014

    Hiring a new Village manager, completing a water sourcing analysis and physically updating Council chambers head the list of 2014 Village Council strategic goals, according to a prioritized list reviewed by Council members at their Feb. 18 meeting.

  • Dorothy Eagan


    Dorothy Eagan, formerly Dorothy Poortinga, passed away last week due to complications of ovarian cancer. She was 66.

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